Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Is the new world order on its way?

Yes because it's already here since the world is divided and the people are running around trying to get people to believe half truths that only make sense together, as if they made half a puzzle and said it was done and the other half was right next door and they said it was done and both wanted the other to agree it was done when they both had half of the same puzzle. Still no one remembers this new world order coming about so it can't be a new world order that has one religion and absolute control. But this is because its older then time itself and has gone nowhere since then ( partially, more on that in a bit ) and has always been like that because man is ignorant of his minds functions. So then if it is the old order of things that is the new world order since it follows a simple belief, I'm right , you're wrong and this so called law is in fact a religion of sorts where people go nowhere, that keeps man prisoner. It has always been that way because of natures original ignorance of her own functions and in religious terms because of satan. Still within this old order, the true order is moving out of it towards its natural end, since some do in fact change reality for the better through the math that functions both in nature and in our minds, the math of god not satan. This is the order where each is who they are and not forced to be what another demands because the sowing to one demanded kind was the old order that is false and causes torment and suffering, while the way of god , demands love and listening and acceptance of another as who they are and not what you absolutely demand them to be.

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