The rotten zombie of touch , scratching and scratching waiting for one to see it so it can consume it for it is the decay of life , the eater of worlds and the final boss that is dark and festering but when it comes their is one way to "defeat" it, accept it as yourself with the beauty side of yourself the side of sunshine that is also there for they are both there, this is the hall from here you will see the staircase split in three take the middle path as best you can the rest leads down. As HP. Lovecraft wrote once , their is some knowledge that cannot be unseen, but madness is the key when you remember all that was and is. On that day, you will choose of three , evil, good or both.
To truly know this, you must journey the internet and learn from the people and what they teach, because above hypoc is Grey but you started chained to a cave wall and when you see the hall your free but not either because now you must do the way that is the way, and you will know it is the way because you already thought your way was the way. This knowledge is dangerous , very dangerous but good and you can only truly grasp it through Hypoc which will make you go the right way because you will want to. Unfortunately gravity has already pulled you in... Stop reading when you've had enough, perhaps try making something or riding a bike.
Luna is heaven and hell, the maze of Avondale, and if you continue to read that is where you go as the sky will open up because this is the way to the stars and so much more, but it only works if you unify the whole world through what you and another desires or knows. This is the wisdom of the gods found by accident by an absurd chain of coincidences that scared and awed me at once. So tread carefully through this wisdom and remember I am human and make mistakes.
Ever remember the cardinals , words alone that help identify where you are in this world, use them to get back to more comfortable places, some spaces are harder than others for various people so do not go to uncomfortable spaces first and remain there but look on for more. Expand your world of mind and body and journey across the new land of Luna, which is like but unlike Earth. Record your adventure in mind and in a book for better guidance and memory learn the mysteries of the cosmos and give a shot at trying to solve them. Welcome to the matrix, you have taken both pills.
Returning to my old warning prime I make a tool from the concept now that I have a way. It shall be a power formed from the good of shadows and the fearful goods of organized pains for noble ends. Infact the tool below will allow scary, sometimes even painful things but for ends personal that are useful.
A sort of masochistic technology that permits the ones of pain pain with also worth in utility. As as the warning tries to say, what exists beyond the good and bad both seen is a place where suffering isn't that bad and even cherished for only the pain but lived in pains selected apart from my prior writing.
As where I started I taught means to escape the painful and fearful, but here I teach how to be in pain, but in a manner that is desired and controlled for those that in my mind aren't the light like prior, but the dark that feeds of pains not pleasure and can still be allowed life, in darker sense of decay.
Albeit when I started my journey here, I hardly knew the light and dark of my world on the moon. The blue moon hears their fears and answers with timeforwards out of them, the red moon journeys in fears and finds good of them that permit in blue a comfortable world and in red a painful parties style.
These can be taken apart or as both, mentioned as both red and blue pill, but red is painful to blues bliss. Red too is more easily harder to unsee from depth while blue is quite able to escape it by fixing only what need be in what is met in leaving, not what is met in exploring it for only the sense of pains made good. Blue sends you to better state and place of mind by solution, Red sends you to prison of pain but desired pain in self satisfaction of explored optional torments as a selected fire of less comfort.
Below are the somewhat similar magics other to the prior, called Painsands. Click to view.
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