How to survive a genocide.

 If their were a genocide like incident where another party had organized and taken control over some authoritative power and began collecting people. This is what would happen due to precedent and also adaption.

Firstly the population being attacked would have begun noticing the change of behavior of the opposite party and would have started organizing to escape it due to the precuring precedent that it was happening, which would lead it to move towards organizing ways to defend itself, such as fire or another weapon they'd develop swiftly in some way, which would then trigger potential conflicts when time came for the opposite party to attack them, some would escape and they would have also slowly become organized by the growing threat in a separate range of communication which may include using sticky note hidden in also communicated locations where they would manage to find each other while likely hiding on the streets or elsewhere.

This would cause them to move towards larger gatherings of people and would distance themselves from the source of the incoming conflict by doing just as easy as fleeing to locations where more often their were higher populations of the individuals that were being attacked, this plus their capacity to be armed and growing in access by the also increasing population of the opponent trying to commit genocide would begin to loose faith in the cause used to fool them by the fact they are seeing the other group acting for self survival and gathering before protecting themselves and adapting to the conflict to survive separately from the opposite while equally having access to most of the opposites knowledge because of how the schism between both parties went that led to them acquiring more access to their own survival and the old one.

This would lead to the area becoming split into two where either party still tries to remove them but the other party simply acts to defend itself and get more of its resources to stay alive, the party that keeps trying to remove the other party is still acting to try to remove them as they potentially also loose popularity for wasting resources continuously attacking the party simply collecting resources and protecting itself with less resources cost.

Which would inevitably slow down the conflict into some kind of normalization where the surviving facts would return as separate countries with equally sometimes less positive at first division and dislike of each other but then as history always happen these would shift over time and other conflicts that arise at other points in history.

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