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This is a blog post made on my return to the beginning of my concepts which took place in a previous reality matching the themes of this return by reconstructing and building it this time instead of passing through it to reach the end of my concept where their was an issue with people not understanding it for not actually knowing what happened before, which presently I also miss in sense of wanting to relive some of its themes anyways. So we will be building and adding more to the past of the concept by constructing a set of realities that mimic the reality in the story and at the beginning by being the worlds once called Ivon and Stash but given a new name for having more concepts inside the sameness of before built now.
Further more will be existent because the beginning feature positive and negative ideas but only rare negative were shared while the world is also treated from the updated perspective that occurred afterwards in the other blogs beyond this one, which allows it to be stable, because it wasn't yet stable here. So while it will feature both worlds and its concepts they will be in a stable way that equally has a meeting point between them where they fight to stabilize the actual exchanges between them, while having two separate directions on either side, these directions represent the model of the world shown below on either side:
These two realities exist on separate timelines from each other that have some stuff in common and other stuff not as in common, because of this their physics are also not the same because they have a different kind of global base clustering of the same physics and additional physics that aren't the same, which much as the timeline and all the other things changed around about both realities, the reality looks the same as your normal reality does when there but is of a slightly different color. In fact the color is strikingly noticed but not as vivid as the above two images are. This is because only the physics created are different about the reality and not the rest of it that's still similar which later explorations of either world will help create more differences between.
Presently only the differences compared below also explaining the physics base for the reality is different about them and their is not a present portal to reach either although it will eventually be made, but I can travel between them with some issues regarding how long it takes to switch and where they presently can end up mixed because they aren't entered through a proper doorway. Ivonstash is between both and made of both differences.
The reality is formed by observational differences which cause oneself to observe the nature of reality in either differently so they end up being noticed differently because whatever you describe as matter or what you know of matter causes you to observe matter differently and so a parrelel reality has slightly different features because of how it has been collapsed to be observed through another lens that causes a translation of the same that went to another position of infinity in the collapse of observation. So the physics described here are what it has differently based on observations that shift to one or other reality and are formed in the scenery exactly as you observe it usually but as noticed color difference as well as other kinds of experiential difference, which causes them to behave slightly differently.
They only change as far as you have made them different from the whole of all parts that comprise anything so only shift by a slight degree with every additional observation that syncs into the whole. Upon defining the world differently you move slightly closer or farther from any given point and the reality changes and syncs with your own observations that make you more or less into a reality from another by how your worlds observations change by what you know or where you go. So while you may be able to enter these realities without knowing them by actually just going it only lets you in as far as you know because you can't know the difference without actually having found out.
So this discusses the base reality difference of it physics in sense of common variations in regards to the model I built of a world of physicality previous that sits between either as a default base for it. The difference between these realities is actually quite significant from the reality that most know called science and occult. This is because it was made in isolation over the course of the whole blog to build up a difference that is given summary here for the sake of building up the differences of these realities that create for myself a cycle of formation as a timeline with multiple world circles.
These circles and timeperiods forms its progress, which always colonizes another planet of meaning in the first ( As the world created here ) then it will progress back through a parallels version of the story that was the last time to do it again. Doing so again will make it more advanced but that will take alot of time to do, so for now we're at the beginning and will be more realistic then the first time by how the cycle repeats but the technological capacity improves and remains the same reality that is improving and repeating its planetary presence then departure to another star system for more progress. Although after a while of doing this the reality ends up having another geometry opening the possibility for more then what it can presently do with only two planetary bodies of meaning.
The first is called Prosporo the Second is called Lemuria, the end is Prosporo 2 and then Lemuria 2. But this telling on Lemuria is the same cycle as the original, just more advanced then before, because the first lacked technology and the second actually has some from its colonization of Lemuria from Prosporo that had no technology just ideas and a story. Once its at the second level of its two planets when it colonizes the second planet of the same name it will end up being even more advanced then it was before from how the cycle of the story and the ideas moves again through the whole as a progress that ends up building the same world but in a deeper and more advanced state.
Thus we will be discussing the physicality of these three worlds regarding the difference between two based on one meeting point that both sit next to each other in use of either in a third.
Firstly part viewing differences are the way the matter is actually observed being comprised of in regards to the way its actually modelled as a basic viewing. Thus all matter is firstly basically described through these basic part differences which cause it to be different to the other one, which in either case is distinct for being comprised of a different model that on usage means you look at matter as though from this or that viewing and so it doesn't look the same to you in sense of nature.
The viewing differences are described below:
For Heavivons Starforms they are made of:
- Starbuild: The extending shape from center of matter to individual points of matter edge.
- Exitrays: The matter is connected to other matter by exit rays which define its positions.
- Sheenorb: The matter is comprised of specific orbs of sheen reflection across its shape.
For Shashells Darktooth they are made of:
- Sharpoints: The matter enters from the sharp points of itself as merging teeth of matter.
- Toothends: The matter fuses inside its central point as toothends that merge ends together.
- Shadefire: The matter emits shadows that have a burning influence of property erasing.
These two individual models of matter seem contradictory and are but are from parrelel worlds of observed physical reality which by observing you have collapsed them into one or the other, but inside the central dual reality called Ivonstash from Stashell or Heavivon these two models both exist simultanuously with each other as a dual reality that works in both ways so both can interact.
But in the separate unrelated realities these are isolated alone and the other one is absent from it, so while matter still seems the same in most ways while in either reality, it is missing the Darktooth or Starform from the other reality except in the third reality, this cause a very small detail to change between either reality that can be noticed as a vague detail missing from the two other realities.
The reason the matter in either reality is still mostly the same is because the parts missing are so small in regards to the rest of real actual matter that is much as the atom or energy of science and occult the main composition that is focused on but is not the actual whole which in all these realities is still there and completely filling the rest of the matter in it because if it were just the matter that is the starform or the darktooth that filled the whole reality, the reality would look like arising the protophorm without anything else being there with it. Which you can see by actually closing your eyes and attempting to observe just darktooth or starform as defined above, which will appear in complete separation as a reality with only that matter existing in it which you'd have to fill in all the missing details to make the rest of the reality you might want, but that takes an enormous amount of matter missing from it.
Enormous only because I have yet managed to make a full degree like the degree this reality actually is. Even all the parts in this blog post aren't enough to fully comprise the matter, but using them in relation to the reality while ones eyes are open much as when they are closed adds those details to reality as actual physics which changes the laws of the observation you are in, which will actually effect the events that you encounter and the way matter actually behaves whether you intend to observe them or just intend them without observing them. Further if you pay attention to the difference between the protophorms eyes open or closed, not all is visible about them in one or the other because one protophorm is effecting and layering with the reality and actually fits into the whole where its defined, while the other one is missing a reality so just floats around as part of an empty space.
You can do this also with another space then either, but it should be noted that you can test if protophorms or intended observed parts of matter arising out of nothing are real, by actually intending one with a certain property and then testing if the arised protophorm of some kind creates what you defined by its presence such as when passing your hand through a protophorm of hardness, which you'll find the hardness makes it harder to move your hand through the area then normal, but its missing everything else that is in a normal object to actually build up a reality that actually has everything we normally have in matter as we see it now, based on the actual submachine of this reality.
The submachine is the whole content of parts in the reality mixed together and interacting based on all the observers condensing the reality to something inside the whole field, but one individual definition difference deviates you into a slightly different reality next to all the other observers which can interact with them or not depending on how much you've defined your way from beginning of life to another as you did, which connects you by definition to individual realities of experience, based on what you define and observe in sense of existing, which instantly causes it to actually exist. The issue is that the actual nature of what you intended and defined is such a small distinction of definition that its not worth a large scale difference that is all the missing between you and the real thing you might want.
But it depends how specifically different from normal observations it actually is and depending on the degree it can be easier or harder to actually arise or end up encountering exactly what you mean and not exactly what you defined instead from the difference of your imagination and what reality actually looks like in regards to what you state with language that in arising parallel realities is always insufficient to the real nature by every missing degree of part physics dividing either reality. But this obviously is only for reality coding regarding constructing submachine simulation realities as actual parrelel realities and may differ from the experience of discovering another reality unknown.
But we are only discussing the nature of programming another reality by building its physics inside an isolated space and time world line that overlays on the reality as a separate submachine environment that is built up by yourself and your programming but only adds or removes individual part descriptions worth the difference of what is still far more missing definitions to fully switch to something very different although if you lay in bed and use your unconscious mind to define your way through to another reality by not using real awareness just resting you end up seeing what might change over greater distances by how you build it up, which is identical to falling asleep but less then. Using your observation to collapse a reality made unconsciously will cause a severe difference, but uncontrolled that will simply be something after starring for a long period and drifting off that's not this reality.
After doing a certain significant amount of the physics I will describe to you what either looks like and what is noticeably different about either on inspection but it should be noted that these degrees of difference physically are not very much of a difference compared to what you might imagine because they exist here firstly and overlay on top of forms of world that naturally are very diverse and make it fit together almost the same.
But aspects of the coloration a varied from normal and the way you seem to behave is also slightly different depending on how fully you allow your entry into it, but as described. It should be noted also that both are dog deman realities where a dog deman made them and the world is actually in their concepts but much of the technology around is the same human stuff because I am neither advanced enough to change that nor is much very different. But humans can visit it although they may not behave the exact same way inside it for it being distinct.
But both were made by the same person so they only have the kinds of concepts I know of and its obviously its possible to make other ones that let you have more of what you actually want compared. Depending on what you actually define and study to form the reality. These worlds are partially examples to show you what its like and also my base reality to other realities after it as more advanced. But they use both a positive and negative reality which serves to show good examples of how you can use this concept in some context.
But you have to actually define and observe every individual part between the two as intended to actually properly cross into one and I haven't yet managed to make a sufficient difference because of how small each part of code actually is to build a whole transition, just make the reality I'm in a noticeably distinct parallels that actually has the differences I made in it, but is still a very similar reality. The difference is just whatever you changed about it but below I've described what I noticed different about the reality with just Starforms and just Darktooth.
The starform reality is noticeably brighter then the Darktooth reality that is noticeably darker.
It should be noted that when switching between two realities without a doorway as some kind of initiated entry into it such as an object or a real doorway, when switching between them you might get stuck in points that look like the last reality until you stop being in that observing location because they sort of stick to the area except where you weren't paying attention until you look elsewhere and so if you go into one reality for a lengthy time it becomes harder to unsee the difference after without a directly installed transitional doorway that actually makes the difference.
But the simplest way to ensure your in the reality you want to be is to state you are, ignore whatever isn't the it at the first moment and keep going with the certainty that theirs a difference and you'll notice it as long as you retain that idea. If you start to doubt it it begins to leak back down to the normalcy scale of your usual observation.
It should be noted that these two realities can exchange their physics except what isn't compatible with the style of the two realities that one is positive and more light light the other negative and more dark like although it will be described next in sense of what the actual meanings used in that reality are, which helps allow you to generate things and technology in that reality using what I created as themes, but which equally use the different physics and equally use more then what is just in this post.
These meanings can be combined and form connections of meaningful operation that build different types of concepts that represent the concepts of the world. In the parallels reality the likelihood of encountering topics of those meanings is more likely only as far as you expect and only as potential topics that arise that may vary from yourself and your own because the rest are the rest of the world in those meanings. However be cautious while doing this because I selected the idea of some pain in Stash while experimenting as well as other more enjoyable encounters and went outside.
It was quite fun as I liked it at first but then an older women with no front teeth started trying to flirt with me and ask me out on a date, but that was because as I had instructed the causality people acted freely with their inner ego, liked getting into uncomfortable encounters while also being nice, but I had not specified precisely what I meant, so I got that experience because that could fit in what I had said, while not being precisely what I had wanted to have happen. Although it was very funny but no thanks. She was just using her own ego and trying to get lucky cause she just wanted me.
Now the basic meanings of this reality are used a specific way that will be discussed over the course of the blog and they are probably not quite what you think they are at first because these realities are quite specific and some of you might not like one of them as much as the other but I like both, but the third reality lets you fight either with the tools of either and so it makes it fun, but you can't bring the other stuff into the other reality because it only works in the middle reality but they just stay there. It can either of them be used however to defend yourself from other realities outside this one that might attack them and they live together in this reality cluster of three like they do, so just learn about it before you assume anything about the,.

These meanings are used in topics and in focus for either realities doings, which build up to separate concepts which are its nature distinct beyond the basic physics and should equally be noted for its distinctions that aren't necessarily opposites but sometimes also distinctly varied and not actually associated by polarity, but these two worlds are also not dysfunctional even if especially with Stashell it seems like its a rather darker concept, it is but its also not exactly like you'd assume, it has rules.
But their are also a few meanings above the list that both use and understand which represent core meanings that are actually shared by both sides and it should also be noted that in Ivonstash these meanings can be used together to create other things then what either reality above here only uses these ones in separated isolated practices so have twice as much of them compared to others of either combination having fifty percent or so of these. These realities must thus exchange with each other in specific ways if they want what the other one has but have to find ways to actually convert it.
Because within them the physics of the other doesn't work it makes them unique because that means certain things do not behave the same way in them so they have unique adaptions and protection. You can leave either freely but you can't behave like one in the other and must know and understand them to fully access what either provides as a difference to the other itself. They are distinct and this is important for the sake of how my worlds work because of how they then progress as well.
The next part of the matter is the particle, but particles aren't the same in this reality and their are four parts to this area of matter that fit together into something like a central model of the matter, then their is the four edge portions of matter, then the underlying and overlying complexities of matter, which each have been given a distinction for the global variables of Heavivon and Stashell to use distinctly, which are unique physics that only operate in each one and are used by either one.
Once again the two particles like the parts will be described in detail below:
Heavivon's Planetary Pill particle:
- Orbit bond: The orbiting point of bond between two particles that fit together at a point of touch.
- Orbitter ring: The orbiting ring of the bond point that is of some shape so allowing odds of bond.
- Phase shell: The particles shell which is of one kind or another depending on the edge matter of.
- Element data: The data reflecting the elemental nature of the particles features as color effects.
Stashell's Spiked Flame particle:
- Spike bonds: The outer place of bond between two particles that varies in position of connection.
- Soft shell: The particle has a soft shell that attaches to spike bonds if their is no spike bond there.
- Flame property: The nature and properties of a fire inside the particle that makes it behave like.
- Phase cones: The features of edge matter that are distinct between points on the matter scope.
These are essentially similar to an atom in sense of model but not quite the same and represent a distinct type of matter that is used by either world to manipulate the world around you as a separate model, which enables a slightly different thing then normal because they have other applications of physics then those of the known world to most readers, however they are not the same between the two of either. However these are used for physical modelling with three other types of similar thing distinct.
It should be noted however that these differences and particles are macroscopic not small scale in nature, so they relate to how you arrange matter, not actually tiny particles instead.
The second one is called a parcatil and is like a backwards particle so instead of the above on the inside of matter, parcatils are on the outside of the matter instead, so effect the causality events in those proximity but in this case universally for all matter involved, these have frequents of effect which effect the causality of things taking place inside their range, they are different in either world and help control how one world is less or more like itself, by how they aren't the exact same inside different causes.

These are the parcatil frequents of Heavivon and Stashell, they create a distinction of causality at the points of their frequents which associates with the above dats which represent what occurs in these individual points of frequent, which contain more or less of the other dats. The actual dats are essentially what the above things describe as their behaviors which the frequent underneath describes the actual location they occur. However these same dats also color the world slightly different in sense of how these dats and frequents of them effect the surroundings as a form of coloration variation.
Although the dats are quite obvious because they just describe the individual meanings that are stated. These occur in specific ways but more of the concepts in these worlds make them interact but they are not discussed in this blog post because those are for later when we look into either reality from isolated periods inside either, because we don't have to view them together except when needed. The difference is however still explained here as a first example of what they do distinctly.
The next part is the Atom of current transference positives, negatives and neutrives which effect the causal flow of positive, negative and neutral events inside the interaction of changes.
These control the positive, negative and neutral experiences of encountered events inside either reality as the atomic subparcatil of the Parcatil, which is either able to do things more, not or less often and so the chance of encountering these things have been altered by the varied presence of the above particle effects, which increase, decrease or remove the likelihood of them occurring as observed constants in the reality, which renders distinctions of encountered event different from the other. It should be noted that these differences effect various things in certain ways that encourage them to actually occur as these realities state them being. They occur because of the charged value of each subparcatil
However this is not the only aspect that is like this regarding the worlds differences, theirs another aspect that is very similar to this one, but it is distinct and effects existence of motion and changes, this effect changes how things exist, don't and move regarding what relates to existential motion of the reality different from the existence of events which is somewhat related and these act as reverse concepts to the parcatil and particle that form the other direction of influence distinct as well, for being the object and the causal events of areas, which each help interact a specific resulting reality of changes.

These are the Exom subparticles of the matter comprising particles, much as the prior subparcatils allow one to effect the outcome of causal events associated with their presence, the exom subparticles allow the matter to exist, not exist or semi-exist instead so is related to the inwards of the matter rather then the outside of it because these Exom subparticles are able allow something presence, lack thereof or displacing as, which causes the reality or the object itself to be as this, not as this and displace as this, which these can bond into groupings of not existing and existing or displacement and displacement but only when using another Exom with this one but that is beyond the point of where the matter universally does the following in sense of existence, not and displacement compared to each other.
So the reality is able to in this case first of Heavivon produce easily great technology without lackluster results while Stashell can Manipulate powers in pains of enjoyment without difficulty of producing. Thus because and much as the atom of behaviors are the default states that everything in the reality has but it only represents a small component of the whole degree of matter defined it effects these specific things but it does so only in this scale creating a small distinction that is not like the other or like the world between where both of these are in effect, which the difference is that either is more focused then another and allows a different effect of reality, from how it differs from another one instead.
The differences are those of the basic models interior but the model also effects something similar to phases just as much as particle, but it has much as phases in science four types with addition of its four varied interior models similar to particles, but which sit in the macroscopic not the tiny. Similarly the phase like concept ( Which includes phases ) are distinctions which distinguish the type of states between matter that are individually distinct but comprised of these four aspects, which build up a distinct matter from that of science or occult, but the matter is different for these four sections in each reality while still the same four base aspects for all four of those four. The distinction renders like the rest a slight color difference and causality difference based on the slight difference of each world.
Thus let us look at what they are:
These listed natures of the edge of matter describe things like fire, water, earth, air, solid, liquid gas and plasma as well as two additional that are not known by others called Iceflame, Mystfluid, Gelcrust, Flaresmoke, Wall, Hole, Hollow, Dust which are distinct and described in this above image. It should be noted that the likeness is not as striking as one might imagine in mind because the details that actually get added to the world when doing this are not as much as the details you think they mean, but they are what they mean just not as much as you'd think they'd be worth from how many are missing. They're missing because each of these worlds may be required to find the actual full nature of all things not the nature of one individual world inside them. However the differences are somewhat striking in some ways when I compare them now:
- Heavivon is rather brightly colored and brightly lit while having many beautiful noticed appearance, while myself in mind seem equally more comforted by the experience.
- Stashell meanwhile is rather more dull and greyish maroon colored with orange mixed in that also makes me swagger but somehow slightly more faded and perhaps slightly disturbing but fun.
However I'll admit if you try observing this reality it looks very similar although it always in my case seems that when I know the difference of a reality and observe it existing I see the difference I made and this can be explained either as I changed reality and actually switched to another one, or I actually did not switch to another reality but rather simply noticed a distinction in the reality nearby that was never noticed or not payed attention to that was actually that far different that it appeared brighter or darker and other things because of the state I was in.
But the weird thing is how much and also how that actually works. Since it relates to what you construct underneath the reality within yourself and then find outside yourself based on how you've programmed it in sense of tuning the reality observed and while the distance is tiny their is some occasions where I did sort of accidentally peak into other points further away on occasion that were more or less like this one or another one in some way. They may very well be all connected by observation the difficulty is actually connecting fully to the world by actually grasping the reality. Which is somewhat convenient for shifting across them because you actually understand them.
Although I have heard of others that using other methods have explored them more without knowing.
However their are a few more denoted differences between these realities which I will be showing which relate to my realities parallels equivalent to electricity like effects which all of these already partially used called protoparts, which were most often selected for use in causality changes and physical alteration but may have more I don't know about. None the less these final components allow several additional causal related influences in the reality that are more distinct then the atom, axom, particle or parcatil because they create a sort of conduction between event start and end, as well as finishing up with a few more concepts relating to space and time specifically.
But then its complete and we will focus for a small moment on something in either that is completely unrelated to the other to make the reality more distinct from one and the other, before we further explore them in other blog posts which will feature one or the other or between in more focus as that will make it easier to actually discuss an individual reality with the above physics and more added. Part of the goal with these two realities is to diversify my models to allow me to make more advanced realities by actually fully modelling out more scopes of the whole to better manipulate more.
But these are all I have presently beyond my notebooks which have more, but which have been left ignored for a long time but will be reviewed in this retelling of parts of the older version.
However the next few effects will be done without pictures because its easier to do although they are varied and each do something different so first we shall describe the effect then we will describe the differences of both worlds with them so that we understand what they do.
The first concept is called a proto cause, which is like a protophorm and made with protophorms that act as gravitational attractions to specifically themselves where happening events will end up occurring by the fact the protocause is present and then cause it to occur at the closest point of meetable cause at the end of a passage of motion, because protocauses attracted it to occurring.
The second concept is called a time attachment, which is almost reverse from a protocause because it relates to the starting point of an object which is suggested to move towards this other thing when in motion across the scenery, so its more likely to move in that direction after then any other towards whatever is assigned by the meaning intended which suggests orientation.
The third concept is called a motion negative, which is like a protophorm and a timeattachment but somehow like either because its an imaginary object attached to a location as a shape representing and actually prior motions in time which have a weight to them which causes natural suggestions of time attachment in time by the way it draws things to its shape as itself is itself.
The fourth concept is called a diofic chyme, which is like a constant attraction of causes to the area previously discussed in the frequent section but actually a type of outwards property change of matter which effects the behaviors of things adjacent to itself as a object form which creates a distinction of behaviors inside a varied possibility of passage influenced by its presence.
These four aspects of matter are called the pretime, which is why they effect pretime causality and effect it through the above concepts described, which cause coincidental shift.
These are all related to the concept of firsion as well, which is like a reaction but associated with separational contact between matter, which creates the following four kinds of change to matter depending on what's adjacently effecting it in some or another case of interaction which are the basic keys to creating firsions with the different objects used.
The first is adjacent contact bond transference of property, objects sitting next to each other have distinctly shared properties between them which translate to the addition between both the object and the other object in contact with each other which causes the object to gain properties.
The second is that anything detached from two things in connection or more as long as not the main attachment between the two different things will contain the same property from the prior attachment while not actually being attached by the splitting of it into the next detachment of its smaller attach.
The third is that if something comes into momentary collision with another object it leaves behind it a trace level of property difference worth the collision which changes the other matter in some small way based on the property of the colliding object with it as denominator that transfers some of itself to it.
The fourth is that if something is adjacent to the passing object nearby, then the nearby object contains values of the property of nearby inverted until its farther away where it will loose it but when they are approached they have a similar property connecting them that isn't there when its not connected after.
These all allow us to build distinctions to our base global values which further make these effects behave a certain way and equally cause things in our reality to behave differently in either case.
But these much as atoms, exoms, particles and parcatils can be used for making specialized technologies just as much as models for a reality, so they can be used to make similar acting technology to these reality differences but in distinctions in this set of worlds is case dependent on how and what is modeled with them and which we typically use substances for, but which the present substances aren't mentioned for being another topic. But these physics are for both technology and world design for it.
Thus the differences we will program with them are the following, they took some considerations of the prior models of matter we made to make the distinctions and connect them into something different:
These are the differences created by the distinctions which render slightly different realities by how they use something different from the other that will be explained more in-depth inside either separate topic but which allow what they describe above to enable it, by what they actually do. As these will be the additional differences that further deviate the concept into a more complex one from either.
However their are two more called Deformation dissonance and Matter spinner, which seem similar at first when you look at what they do, they both cause matter to move somehow in observation but they do not do it the exact same way and the deformation dissonance does it temporally and the matter spinner does it spatially, so they individually do a distinct thing regarding firstly how deformation dissonance creates the changes of matter in time in relation to its deformation, while the spatial matter spinner changes the matter in accordance with spatial orientation distinction in relation to observation, which can be spun in any direction to cause the matter to be oriented distinctly.
In Heavivon the Deformation dissonance is based on the change of scratching and sharpening.
In Stashell the Deformation dissonance is based on the change of glide and shining.
In Heavivon the Matter spinner is oriented to the orient of left down ivory.
In Stashell the matter spinner is oriented to the orient of right up ebony.
This causes things in either reality to be oriented slightly differently while also being misshapen distinctly in practice that varies from one to the other, while the firsion and the pretime is also created in distinction causing the nature of ones reality either to be more differently colored then before in relation to the interaction between connected and disconnected bodies.
The last two sections are the space and time section before the unique additions for each. These are individually distinct portions which effect time and space, which are for allowing more alterations.
The first is space and is below with three components for each world, which represent scenetics, spacebox and pareidifice individually. Scenetics is the capacity to render a pattern encosion which causes a noticed difference of mendala alteration to the scenery making oneself distinguish it distinct. When actually used it simply makes the reality mimic the pattern seen in sense of noticed details. Spacebox is the placement of objects inside the spacebox for distorting the actual reality such that it acts in a different geometry of space that makes certain things noticeably different in shape motion. Pareidifice is similar to Scenetics but instead of providing a pattern for notation, it adds a specific clustering of patterns to notice another detail then whats usually seen in some pattern seen.
However they will more so be explained after the picture detailing them.
These are the three spatial effects, the first creates a pattern notation of general scenery, the second creates a space distortion of seen scenery and the last creates denoted specified details noticed in the scenery different from the first by one being random and the other controlled. These let you make the space of the reality more or less related to one world by how it shifts the general appearance more or less in one direction. But these effects are just noticed variations in the usual.
The next portion are the three time components which are the timeline, the timememes and the timeconvergence which individually effect time in some way so that it renders certain events, the timememe creates a distinct clock of time periods where events are bound in that meaning, the timeline creates distinct codes of value and more that distinguish some kind of event and material difference of causes also changing color, the time convergence is the convergence of specific time events in the reality, which individually produce different aspects of time in individual formation.
Similarly to the above prior space components their all in the picture below and allow slight distinctions. However, these distinctions occur in time as varied results associated to them.
The timeline works by describing specific values of information which sort you through to a specific timeline of that kind which causes the themes to associate to this line which contains the information. The timememe applies specific time values of time with meanings assigned for individual sections of time which causes the events in those time periods to occurs as describe in relation to the time. The time convergence simply applies a specific event to time such its bound to occurs in time.
These values are vague so they end up forming in the timeline as something which transpires during the flow of the everyday in them, which reflect the way they actually occurs in varied ways.
But these manners are always tied to the meanings here above even when they way they form is uncertain but always transpires in every moment with the same cycle of time.
Next we add something unique and distinct from either world in sense of physics to make them more unique between each other by building something distinct an unrelated to either other reality to make them less like each other in some way, such that they are not just reversals of each other.
These two distinct models effect different areas and can be used in one or other reality. They simply make either reality unlike each other while also sharing some similarities.
These are all the models we made previously but they have been connected differently in diverse arrangements distinct causing the resulting universes offshooting knowledge to not be the same because things like space and time are seperate or connected and in turn connected differently, as a result the information produced and the technology of either world similar in parrelel basics are not the same in arrangement of those meanings.
But these will be further explored in topics which are not containing the opposite universe in other posts, thus for now the post is finished. In Ivonstash they are used together and connections between them can be made, between both arrangements here.
It should also be noted that the following concepts will be referenced from the previous end of timeline, where I was situated before returning to this blog to repeat the cycle of time to to add more to the past and further make it more clear to my viewers what the nature of the blogs were and what I really have done that weren't fully explored previously when I traveled from the original planet.
The original planet used science concepts I couldn't access before finding a parallel planet that used other materials to access a version of the world that was accessible to me in sense of technology. This redo of the entire timeline will use the new materials and will also use my access now to some electrical concepts that weren't previously accessible.
Which the forward hopes to move closer to the original world and also make it more advanced through the old worlds ideas made in the new one. But it must use the end of the last timeline where it then progressed to this return from, to actually help build up the difference of the world as it cycles back through the whole timeline. So while the old blogpost up until the travel period was the Planet called prosporo the new ones take place on Lemuria as a parrelel Prosporo, but is headed to Prosporo 2 another planet other then two present, then perhaps to a Lemuria 2, which presumably after will permit a more perfected return to the original Prosporo but I'll be far older then today in that future.
But below is the last blog, that uses this other planet of meaning's technology compared to the one at the beginning, then links to the blog link, that now divided the two planets in its listing, showing where one was, where the crossing was and where it began again on the other planet to do it all over again. Because real space colonization works like this, one moves from one planet to another, recycles the history of progress from the old world to ensure they stay similar and then departs for another planet. But once the cycle goes around perhaps four times it returns while communicating with the old, to the original planet to ensure a connection more easy between all four planetary bodies in a single cluster.
Final Blog as beginning of Lemuria:
Original timeline transition from here to Lemuria, lacking full data of tragectory:
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