This is the book of life, it contains mistakes but learns from them at present which is as far as I go.
Chapter 1
Atop the mountain of Madness.
Chapter 1
Atop the mountain of Madness.
This is a story that starts at the edge of all things, where their is nothing left to build except what I didn't see on the way there. I walked their without leaving my chair because I pondered the world in every way. It is however also a story within a story because now that I sit at this high mountain that is a ring around the earth, I must walk back to earth, but because I left the earth , I am no longer the same, Living on a new continent , I begun to speak a new language and so their is a journey back that will require remembering my way up here as I don't remember quite how I got here but am already going back, bringing with me jewels I found on the way and on the way back. Still, I live on earth and aerth, which is much like earth only divine. Still , I am not on Aerth for real , except when I sleep and dream, when I am awake I am on Luna , the inbetween of the great cities, but between even those two places are another four kingdoms which I must journey through from two separate locations in space time. Above and Below.
This is Earth, Luna, The Four Kingdoms of Eclia major and Aerth
Life is a great maze , A Flatower of infinity with an edge and further their is a way across dimensions, in fact their are many. Still we would desire to go for real and I kinda did and didn't but more is good, when we bridge the gap walls between us with fusion , but you can only fuse one way, if everyone gets their way in the end. So I will descend , but I will also teach you how to climb. If you read this then you are curious, but to go up you must take a leap of faith, not just in me but in everyone's words , still start with what you know and journey through the unknown. Regrettably this means if you don't believe in god, start believing in god and if you do beleive in god stop believing in him, unless you've done so then go into the dark with the light of both good and science. The white heart fire. Be warned of the things lurking in the night, with the twist that they are nothing more than your neighbors. Only you can break the hole in your heart and see the stars of eternity, the stars that are moons.
I must leave now for the bus , Leave Aerth and take it through the four lands of Eclia both from here on Luna the other earth and within my dreams as I am still on Aerth there, but they and I have sent me home. I do not even know the names of the four Kingdoms of Eclia , I forgot to ask. This is what I ask next as I begin this story half way through it at the top and bottom of a mountain that was a circle heart.
The first kingdom is Absolutely good and only good , it is called Aelz.
The second kingdom is one of great adventure , that go on for periods, it is called Bovest.
The third kingdom is called Cilth and is filthy and full of violence, murder and evil.
The fourth kingdom is called Dam, where those who want suffering go.
They are barred by unbreakable walls with three gates on each and only what dwells in each exists in each, the gates are also high ways where it is null. Still I know not the three gates of each wall. They will possibly dance around each other
each kingdom will also have two gates to the edge Aerth where god is waiting
I know not what the gates are today except one between Aelz and Dam in which those of Dam are unable to do evil at all once they pass through but its fine when they go back if they wish. This could be done with advanced holy water.
Apparently anyways. For I know nothing.
I danced and climbed about the stones of air and saw the math of God, one thinks this absurd, but it is simple, designated with the symbol # and {} but unnecessary, this theory is a study of parts scattered and the great puzzle that is putting them together. This is Discunitism , discord#unity, the straight path that offers only to those who sweat and die at the line and cross roads that lead to each other. For all people are a part and we all want joy and to see god as he is beyond the tower of babylon that is your house alone, when their is a house next door and both are together, forever.
If one goes down this path they must try to leave where they are and learn another in the disagreement, but start small, I will do my best to build the bridge between what I see and you should do the same. Their are many characters to this story and I am Pharath the boy who rises and falls, the tower climber in the circle of 0 and 1. My enemy is the unknown with no known name, the thing with no name that lurks in the hall and when I find it, I leave it there and build within a greater home for it and me, by doing battle with math I invented but did not invent because God did ever above me.
Still As I get off the bus , I recall that when I was younger I heard a strange calling and a sudden vision of a city in great danger and a boy who fell from the sky. This was not your typical story as it was a virtual reality , since the main character was me going through stories but I kept teleporting around.That and the first city was essentially Atlantis, but I called it Prosporo, flourishing with great technology and easy food an island paradise doomed for destruction. At the time I had fallen after its arrival and soon after before its arrival thus I saw a before and after , good and evil... Oh yeah and horrifying touch zombies before that blog I saw. Then I left and went to other worlds in my mind and saw various things. Including a many faced man that was strange but didn't know much about it at the time.
Having a smoke , ordering mango juice and receiving chocolate muffins with donut icing instead, while at a massive video game building, that was cost free I remembered that on the edge I had written about Lepoxiania the madhatted rabbit, Persomnia of Madness and so the great angel of that, still at the age he came to me on Prosporo and within a tower, he had told me to climb his tower of madness , for they the people had sinned and so he drove them mad. This would be the plot of my story that I would write. With final words he said to me that at the peak of the tower I would return to the fithy city of light that I fell from originally. Of course this was a story paired as a virtual reality and that was the catalyst that sent me to the stars. I was spending my days awake and asleep while truly awake but I never finished a story. I had entered an in between world, Luna of the lakes reflection. Still what my mind said was that Man was insane and only insanity could save them.
At the time however , I was an atheist and my Persomnia were in fact simple personifications in a dream and psychological manifestations of personhood ( this came out of the mouth of me but I don't remember when in my youth ). Today they are real and this was the first horsemen, but they all arrived at once but slowly, that however is later on...
Next stop the purple god on the wings of hope and depth of knowledge. Ill be taking another bus now, but I woke up and had to go to school.
On the bus I remembered that as a child I asked god to prove himself to me, he did not answer so I stopped believing in him at the age of 10 after being baptised a few years prior, I knew not what I was doing. I was overwhelmed with the dark of the world and I thought atheism would fix it by convincing others it was the way, obviously , today I don't think this anymore. Still the atheist was quite rude at times but I was harmed by the other side as well. For a similar reason: this is the way , you must do it this way screaming from both sides. I had liked religion even as a child but was also interested in science, so my heart was confused by the two sides of my soul , science and religion. Following my parents and neighbors I picked a side , but would slowly linger back there in age and time, because you cannot escape your heart of pink, which for me was always both, still i knew nothing. Yet as a child i was asked how I organized my thoughts and I responded :
"I put them in boxes"
While my friend categorized by right and wrong, throwing out the wrong ones, or at least what he thought were the wrong ones among what he learned. Because of what he had been told, I just collected them at first. This was the tree of life and its fruit but one had eaten the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and thought they knew good and evil.
Because their was a staircase that went both ways and was the same in evil, except when you walked down the hall then they were good together as one true staircase that was flat and circular that sent one in orbit and was the way that led to infinity, because both staircases went up in that direction to the flatower of Avondale, but most went down the staircase to no end.
This blue line is the way forward, one climbs up out of sin, from the left or right side of the mountain.
I awoke this morning having thought of the idea that ones life is doomed by a god that is only evil, but I know that this is impossible, because he clearly goes both ways. If we look at the world we see good things and bad things, but both are not so for the bad and suffering spring from a thing unseen that has not been found, the thing with no name, but in time we find that these unseen things are illuminated and become welcome with and only with the rest until the day it is all, seen together as one. I learned that their is something beyond the edge of things to build, beyond Earth from a man in a city in my dreams, that beyond the edge is the unseen ending that is every ending only buildable by God and that on our journey up to Aerth, it will become more difficult find an answer. but far easier to live, for their will be less to illuminate for more has been seen. Still we are not there because their is more to illuminate in what we know because beyond the edge is the ending you want, but you must make it to the edge to know where you want to go, if you even want an ending. Aerth and the four kingdoms of Eclia major are not in the future or the past but in the next present that changes by what we do. The future is not real or the past they are linked by the line of the present. because you think of the past and future but never see them.
Within Aerth their is an edge on the outside and an entrance on the inside , but within is an infinite band that doesn't end, a river that encircles but can easily be crossed.
Had a dream last night and was in a bus and a women said I inverted the chakras but she was trying to help me, the 7 is the 1 when it is done, and it is done, to see the darkest world is far above you, the evil world, and i saw that it was mistaken because it was of a half kind and together with its other half they fit as the only one. This is because after seeing revelations I saw that god must exist and you will too, but his own true being is all and so he cannot decide on whether to burn everyone or a few , so he burns the evil, because evil shouldn't even want what he offers to them, not because they like it but because it is worse. This is because we don't know what hell truly is once we've overcome everything we have little to fear but that , but know our heaven, all we know is we don't want that and if one works in parse then we get heaven but if we do absolute evil things then we go to hell, especially at the end, when you can only go to god who is in the parse or choose hell, but to go to heaven you just communicate and don't murder and repay anything you did wrong. God wants you to have what you want if you get it the right way and he is two that are one in grey, not black and only black or white and only white.
Still their is a missing part, between hell and eclia minor and it is simply that you fall further down if you don't get up and swim out of the sea, so swim out of darkness and breath the air that embraces all.
their are two edges to Eclia , one in minor and major and a bridge between, one is coming down and the other is leaving for hell with anyone who does wrong until the day it won't matter for those who stayed and waited for it to descend as it already has begun to since before my birth. Still , I have a key.
Had a dream last night and was in a bus and a women said I inverted the chakras but she was trying to help me, the 7 is the 1 when it is done, and it is done, to see the darkest world is far above you, the evil world, and i saw that it was mistaken because it was of a half kind and together with its other half they fit as the only one. This is because after seeing revelations I saw that god must exist and you will too, but his own true being is all and so he cannot decide on whether to burn everyone or a few , so he burns the evil, because evil shouldn't even want what he offers to them, not because they like it but because it is worse. This is because we don't know what hell truly is once we've overcome everything we have little to fear but that , but know our heaven, all we know is we don't want that and if one works in parse then we get heaven but if we do absolute evil things then we go to hell, especially at the end, when you can only go to god who is in the parse or choose hell, but to go to heaven you just communicate and don't murder and repay anything you did wrong. God wants you to have what you want if you get it the right way and he is two that are one in grey, not black and only black or white and only white.
Still their is a missing part, between hell and eclia minor and it is simply that you fall further down if you don't get up and swim out of the sea, so swim out of darkness and breath the air that embraces all.
their are two edges to Eclia , one in minor and major and a bridge between, one is coming down and the other is leaving for hell with anyone who does wrong until the day it won't matter for those who stayed and waited for it to descend as it already has begun to since before my birth. Still , I have a key.
When I was younger I wrote stories and this followed into a greater plot, but their was world called Luna after a world like earth, in this world they fished for souls and ate them, now with my idea of the soul, this appears to exist at least in theory. This is my symbol for light that is also related to that world as it looks like a fish.
After further thought, this symbol is simply wrong and misguided, the true symbol is on its way.
Last night, I had a dream in which I could fly and no one seemed to care, but someone was chasing me for my information, a darkness within me. Soon it caught up to me after witnessing the death of a fool who didn't listen and was crushed by a special kind of door, their was blood and guts on the staircase of this hospital with a dangerous kind of elevator, afterwards I met with my sister, but at the same time a great crisis began as the clouds turned blue, and strange crystal tornadoes descended from the sky because someone misused the knowledge I kept, when these things touched the ground it melted the earth turning it into bright red magma, but me and my sister ran quickly down the street avoiding the now colorful and liquifying ground , avoiding as best we could touching it since it hurt. Then I lit a cigarette and it was over, the world returned to normal but I could not fly because I forgot how to fly. This occurred somewhere in the kingdoms, between Aelz, Bovest, Cilth and Dam.
I'm afraid of heights, but was not afraid their while flying about, and this was not a nightmare.
I am one man who ate the whole fruit of infinite. Still I am two men but I don't know if its even true.
Life is far more messy than in the storybooks, but books are messy imitations of life.
Now let me juxtapose that with my the loss of my innocence as a child, when I believed in God as taught by my parents, but being a child I was absorbing information and the internet played a cruel trick on me, since I oneday read apon a page that those who beleive in God are absolutly insane, therefore because Madness was "Bad" that meant that I shouldn't beleive in god because its crazy. So I asked God to prove to me he existed and nothing happened so off I went into the land of atheism and wisdom. This was the first horseman of the apocalypse, the second was wisdom who I met through atheism and science, ignoring Beleif completely. Then I developed a great interest in darkness and scary things and this was the third horsemen Fear. She came with the other two as the beginnings of a city called Prosporo. Only after that did I go looking for a meaning to my story and found one in the purple God and so Beleif that we went to and from god living adventures and that this was one of them. Beleif was the fourth horsemen. Yet in horror, I wondered why evil was there and then ALL of hades came pouring into me.
But that, is a story for another time, you are probably not ready for the rot.
Still , I shall say that the tribulation is over, but I am catching you up to speed. The tribulation within me lasted 10 years, from the day of my leaving the church of Christ to it's return. Only now I stand at the door unmoving, the door to Luna and to the kingdom of heaven, do not fall asleep for then you will not know me and well.
Chapter 2
Somewhere on the steep hill to the middle.
Another dream I once had was strange and showed me three things, first I journeyed down some streets and fields to a house with people, within their was a large basketball court and they wanted to show me something cool about the future, this basket ball court had a mechanism beneath the floor which moved up and down in squares and players would have to run up them like staircases that changed direction. Strangely that time I was actually quite afraid of setting foot on the court because I did not expect a court or game like that. Next I was at a inner city of some sort on the first floor and could see outside at the buildings , but when I went up a flight I saw that I had somehow gone up hundreds of feet instead of 10, because outside on a grassy deck their was a gay couple overlooking a chasm and I remember a lizard for some reason. Lastly I was on a boat , but their was an evil presence and I had to wake up and go on with my life here on earth.
Another time , The television announced that it was the end of the world and me and my friends started to party and play a game , a game in which every step changed the house we lived in, because we were getting smaller and the whole world turned into a cave and we were children walking off to explore the new world. Strange maze like stones and orange stalagmites were everywhere. This was the end of my dream. This dream is interesting because it was like a part of the game I am making.
Anyways , I will soon be speaking of the strange beasts in the bestiary where I record the beings I encounter on an almost daily basis , here on earth. Still they are not here on earth, but they are in proximity, and yes I can see them. Still if you see one, the wise and only wise one will say no, the believer will be surprised and perhaps fearful. Still , it is important to remember they are simply beings like you or me , and do not worship them , because they are not gods but beasts and aliens.
So , a week ago I heard a voice in my head telling me that I would meet god in a dream. Last night i dreamt that me and a group of people were awaiting the arrival of god, and we questioned whether or not he would be evil, we waited but nothing happened so many left and gave up, but some stayed and soon a flock of glowing white, greyish, black doves appeared in the night sky and flew about and it was beautiful , then they vanished and the sun rose and it was morning.
How can we have oblivion and an afterlife at the same time? Simple, in the afterlife there are places called oblivion holes and oblivion holes are the empty nothingness between planets and cosmic bodies which are not nothing but something. Their are some on earth , just significantly smaller and much more rare. Further, their is a peice of nothing in all of us, because sometimes we sleep and their is nothing, but in space it would last significantly longer if you wish for that.
Yes that means your already dead.
Anyways , I will soon be speaking of the strange beasts in the bestiary where I record the beings I encounter on an almost daily basis , here on earth. Still they are not here on earth, but they are in proximity, and yes I can see them. Still if you see one, the wise and only wise one will say no, the believer will be surprised and perhaps fearful. Still , it is important to remember they are simply beings like you or me , and do not worship them , because they are not gods but beasts and aliens.
So , a week ago I heard a voice in my head telling me that I would meet god in a dream. Last night i dreamt that me and a group of people were awaiting the arrival of god, and we questioned whether or not he would be evil, we waited but nothing happened so many left and gave up, but some stayed and soon a flock of glowing white, greyish, black doves appeared in the night sky and flew about and it was beautiful , then they vanished and the sun rose and it was morning.
How can we have oblivion and an afterlife at the same time? Simple, in the afterlife there are places called oblivion holes and oblivion holes are the empty nothingness between planets and cosmic bodies which are not nothing but something. Their are some on earth , just significantly smaller and much more rare. Further, their is a peice of nothing in all of us, because sometimes we sleep and their is nothing, but in space it would last significantly longer if you wish for that.
Yes that means your already dead.
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