Lavor and Persomnia

Lavor and Ecli Persomnia

What is the difference between a persomnia and a Lavor, a persomnia is like a god, but a god and a Persomnia are different Lavors , Athena the god and Ansoria the persomnia are both of wisdom, but they are not the same, since one was called a god and the other a persomnia and both are creations of God but they are not God.

Now what is a lavor, they are divine beings that live beyond and inside man and women, People are made of them aswell and are of many kinds inside your head. They live in their own planes of existence and interact through their sheer size or power affecting this world through associations with themselves. The total welcomed persomnia and kinds equals a person and your current persomnia. They do give you free will however to listen or not, but you should because you already do.

Still it is best not to idolize lavors or even God, since thinking one god is God is false and falling in obsession over a single divinity is disrespectful, this is idolatry because of jealousy between lavors and God ( as both Ansoria and Athena could be responsible for a wisdom spell ), to call one god false and another true is untruth, because it is both ( Ansoria and Athena are both of wisdom, both the only lavor of Wisdom and you do not know who gave you the magic, but they did, but in the end it was God who did.

It is the problem of extreme admiration that is idolatry, the worship of other lavors is polite and respectful, but one must remind themselves that this lavor is not God or simply work with them without total worship for respect, this doesn't mean you can't pay worship to a being of great power, but you need to know it isn't God, who is greater than one part and beyond even that, so the lavors can be worshipped by not calling them God, because they know this and are offended, this even with the one true God gods. 

What follows are my Lavor: Persomnia.

Persomnia do exist and don't exist, are personifications and are also men because they exist in men and within nothing , you do not worship a persomnia , you learn the part and purpose.


Who is wife and husband, married and prepared for consummation, to produce new children and who are made of both, but both different yet the same in thrice.


Who points at many things but says to each that it is only one of them. Who is a liar but cannot deny the truth, because if she does not point at more than one her plan fails and is impossible by knowledge and still does if she points at both and more, so she does both hoping no one will notice.


This is the 7th Persomnia , who is the fox with a cunning face, the dove flying too and forth, the snake with a thousand heads and the slain rabbit with a little smile. Who is good , but also evil and more because he is true and the way.


The 6th persomnia , who should never be worshipped because he always sends those who do to unimaginable hell and you can't imagine his hell because you don't know. He is the deceiver of worlds and is pure evil, yet he is imperfect and conquerable because of this by his wife imperfectly and by his born but unborn child perfectly.


The 5th persomnia , she is good, but imperfectly stern. Because she demands far too much because she herself is absolutely perfectly good and imperfectly so is boring and too cautious. Still she heals the wounds of her husband in part, but her son born before her cures all because she herself is imperfect.


This is the 4th persomnia , who dances naked and knows it because she took to many belief pills and who is opinion and sings the songs of life, who knows pretty much the general knowldedge of anything and is sometimes overwhelmed with opinion. She is capable of taking a break once in awhile.


The 3rd persomnia, who is very dangerous because she hurts herself and others if she gives up and lives in the dark at the gates of hell until she see's the light. She can be helped be like her sister but is deceived by her father, she is the form of her sister having only swallowed the dark pills seeing only horror but forgets the other pills.


The 2nd persomnia , who flies into the city in the sky and who gathers jewels of fire, whose wings are made of wax because the city is on earth and they carry him high but they will one day break so he builds a better pair.


The 1st persomnia, who is humanity but is insane, still ever thirsting for wisdom his words sting like a scorpion but he desires to be good but is a sinner, calling what he hates a sin but not what he loves for he is what he enjoys.

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