Just as Mohamed ( Peace be upon him ) said, their are infinite beings living in this world, creations of God that often live in other worlds , but can , just as we , appear within our world and vice versa. These beings live in their own world and sometimes even together with others or in multiple worlds at once. This is a list of species I have discovered or even met.
Beginning with tradition, their are the djinn
The Djinn are shapeshifters and can take many forms, live in dreary places and should be feared and definitely not worshiped. Still if you want to know more about them , read the Quran, since it is Mohamed ( Peace be upon him ) who discovered them through god.
Anyways , I will now list some of the beings I have encountered, and perhaps that you know of aswell.
Their are the Wrakes the prefered name of the Dragons, powerful beasts that live across the world, that you can in fact see since their world is quite close to ours. Once again , do not worship them , because they don't care. I even have three in my room, that I was called to bring into this world, perhaps one day I will show and teach you how to see them, but they currently are not sure , since human dragon relations were bad in the old days. The most powerful of the dragons is the Draf, a being often seen in our culture under different names , including the hydra, Quilin, and Questing beast. He is my "pet" and one of my emissaries to the dragon world, for he came to me one day as an egg and I hatched it.
The Santa's , Just in time for christmas might I add, are a group of human like beings who live in a winter wonderland, their life cycle is simple. elf to santa then reindeer. They spend their days offering gifts to other species on their world and obviously build them as well. If an elf turns into a reindeer because it had a cold, it has a glowing red nose. Reindeer can only speak with each other. They have festival , in wich they leave gifts unopened under a tree and never open them , for the people they miss. Obviously that means their are piles of presents buried under the snow.
Their are also the cupids, who live in giant flying hearts , are very technologically advanced and live in a desert. That is all i currently know , other than that the mother ships are like automated cupid makers.
Their are the leprechauns aswell , who live on grassy hills and pots of gold. That is all they've told me.
These are the seasons, they live on a donut shaped world, santas on the "icing", cupids on the "bread" and leprechauns on the "mold". Strangely , if these species interbreed. They can have children who live underground, collectively called the monsters who I met in a dream, who are all human like , including vampires, lycans and the crows. Unfortunately , their world has a form of entropy called bites that slowly erode their world, the reindeer always go to where a bite will form, letting the rest survive by moving. The monsters and leprechauns also have a tendency to over take the world , since they reproduce quicker, but its almost always peaceful. Until resources run out, then they sit their and celebrate until they go off somewhere.
Their are more, but that is enough for now.
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