Tigereye soft shred
You need to stop hurting and killing people Evil.
No I like it Good
Why? Its mean and people don't like pain and dying Evil.
So what Good?
It's an injustice and you'll go to hell for it as a consequence Evil.
So will you Good.
No, I'll go to Heaven, Evil.
No you won't you'll go to hell, Good.
Why, I was a good person so I deserve Heaven.
Cause I think its fair that we both go to hell, why can't I go to Heaven, thats not fair, Good?
Because you hurt someone.
What even is Heaven to you Good?
Pleasure and a better place then here, Evil.
Why a better place then here, why is here not great, cause theirs pain, Good.
Because that's how it is, we go to a better place after death Evil.
I don't really think that makes much sense Good, theirs already pain here, what makes you think it would get better after we die if you already suffer in life now?
Because I can feel pleasure today just as much as tomorow if you stop hurting people, Evil.
But I'm not going to stop doing that, Good.
Then I'll keep making sure you pay for your crimes, Evil.
Yeah I guess you will, Good.
I don't think either of you will be happy in the end then though.
Who's that?
I'm either of yours suffering, from how you both don't get what you want.
What do you mean what we want?
Good wants to not suffer and a better place, Evil just wants to inflict pain and suffer, neither of you get what you want.
Uh, maybe theirs a way I can do it, it works sometimes so I can get it to work.
Yes, but it never actually ends, you both suffer in the first place for what is the other because of your actions to each other, if only you'd see that neither of you are an answer.
Then what are we supposed to do?
You'd surely have to meet in some agreement between you both wouldn't you?
How could we agree if one of us wants to hurt the other and the other wishes for that to be punished.
Surely you could agree to fix the issues with the world and harm what enjoys it.
Perhaps we could do this, but how do we do this?
You would surely have to talk about what you both need wouldn't you?
Perhaps we should then.
I need the world to not have suffering, so I must fix the pains that are, Hell.
I need to be able to harm something at all, so I can have a way to feel my pleasure, Heaven.
I worry however that if you just inflicted pain on desiring, that their should be rules, Hell.
I think that is appropriate, Heaven, but I worry that when you fix the issues you take my pain.
I would perhaps be able to let you have pain available if it was also fixed so it didn't have to be, Hell.
Yes perhaps we could make the pain and the solution optional in seperate place for desires, Heaven.
Indeed, but their is still some of those actions that I fear you might regret, for their consequence, Hell.
What do you mean Heaven, in those who want, as I like pain, we can agree and relate to it, Heaven.
I fear that in some extremes of inflicting pain and killing, it might hurt too much or your dead, Hell.
Ah I see what you mean, if I'm dead I can't have pain that is certain unless we go to same, Heaven.
Well, surely you would have to be able to come back from the dead for that, Hell.
That is true but how could we do this if we die at all Heaven?
We'd surely come back to life if we die Hell, because the better place in death is Tomorow, Hell.
What do you mean Heaven?
We're made of matter, our bodies are recycled back into life for being stored as identity in physical, Hell
Heaven, I see what you mean somewhat, I also can agree, if life is partially Hell then its also as I think.
Why only partially such Hell?
Because we don't actually know for certain here in life, irrelevant of which it is or other then.
That is true, we'd have to find out to know it true, but its unclear how, Hell.
We could find out by dying and checking and coming back somehow, Heaven.
That is true Hell, but we'd surely have to do many degrees of work to know that and do that.
Indeed, we'd have to check it in many states and we'd have to be able to undo it Heaven.
Yes that would take us some time and its certain someone would have to take the risk for it too, Hell.
Yes because it has to be what they knew was the consequence, but as a chance in accidents of, Heaven.
Yes, because we'd have to check different deaths and know how to fix it to manage it, Hell.
I do find this more fascinating because knowing death equally lets us live forever by it, Heaven.
That's actually far more vital for my own selfs wishes and sake, Hell.
However, my own issues I must admit is that I find forever might get boring too, Heaven.
I sortof see what you mean, but their are more experiences to have then just a few, Hell.
Yes perhaps but what if we just wanted to die to be finished, forget it all and have none oneday, Heaven
I see what you mean, because perhaps then in death theirs just what their is before birth, Hell
Yes but we're still dead in sense of matter in our now, so something is the rules behind matter, Heaven
Yes, that actually may mean either of our original thoughts are true of death, Hell.
Yes, I suspect that death contains gibberish states of life and death, that are other experiences, Heaven.
That makes sense but we should fix this then, because some of them might be pain, Hell.
Yes, that actually is true in turn, by the way I also think you might get bored yourself, Heaven.
I sortof understand what you mean by that I think, but what do you mean?
You might come over here in that experience of boredom to experience pain, Heaven.
Surely I would feel so if I felt so, but I find that's why your side needs a leveling curve for it, Hell.
Yes, Heaven it is factual that much as experimenting with death, levels of degree is the key, Heaven.
Indeed, we'd have to think as many people on the process of all this in time ahead, Hell.
Yes, but I know well too that that isn't the end because their is actually more then me to solve, Heaven.
That is true, people are not the only issue and issues aren't always what we once called Evil, Hell.
Yes, the fate of the world is full of things that might pose a risk of our undesired fate, Heaven.
Tigereye soft shred
We must both focus on surviving those other things in life that risk our end and death, in Heaven and Hell, as those are the things that hang in the balance of life, but their are issues plenty with it all.
I wish to wipe out the world as the natural instability of the matter that has any state of potential manner, I will rip the world apart with the balances turned of nature and synthetics, to end people.
Only one thing will truly defeat you in sense of sparring our lives, time to ensure the fates of things that hang in the balance of it all, knowing our demise in all its ways and managing to escape you.
That is true but until then I the destroyer of the balances of your ignorance am the enemy that is an unending persuit higher of the ages that must manage to stay alive as the states of matter change.
It is factual that the states of matter do change and we are not always as people in the right mind of our own actions to ensure our own survival because some risk their own sake with their own ends made.
Prescisely, this is why you are doomed to the fate of being wiped to ashes and death, loss of state by the fates of change in matter that can change any day or enter from out of stray, that is of your miscalculate.
This is actually why it must be part of the things we do everyday, to ensure our own survival firstly and to guarantee it in the actions of justified solution, where anything might be our demise to you, matter.
But how will you know me fully if all that is in infinity is bound to possibility of an hourglass that doesn't actually have a prescise guide to where all my traps and many manners of harm hide?
Study of the genuine nature and the review of it in another manner, the notifier of spotted concerns of potentials that all of them must be considered to actually survive them, by shaping matters nature.
But you are already dying, your world is full of the physical consequences of using me for things that have many known and unknown issues with themselves, like if you can even turn me back again.
That's why while I am alone today in my mind, the future is in our hearing of each other or our rejections of each others solvents to the better stable order, but also in the actions for our survival.
Yes but the world is full of people that are blind to these actions that are vital to its actual stability that they spend more time misusing it and do so in their own unrecognition of simply doing nothing.
Yes, they're actually not listening to the idea of doing something about it because they aren't actually willing either for not actually doing something about it unless they are, and they must or its over.
But how will you change people in the world today to make them actually do something about their own survival when the world made is left to their freedoms and to their own choices that are justice.
Perhaps not one day, but especially today, some of them may not be able to change because they've also become so accustom to complacency, they also might not make the effort to even when, but the solution is actually that what doesn't make an effort to save itself today by actually doing it, will most likely have to die because of the worlds present state, as if not they'll over eat the life of it at all and leave it a way that will fall from its living state, so it is only those who promise and do make a true effort to fix this worlds slowly dooming fate and all the rest of these deaths of the earth, that won't actually die from their choice to not do something about it by actions of the present.
Which is actually a foresight to what will happen, because some of those people don't actually know how to let themselves actually persist because they're broken by the fact they don't want to change and if they don't they'll actually bring ruin to themselves and the rest of life, so something must actually be done to get rid of those who really aren't making an effort to fix the world and its state, especially if they are given fair chance to start to escape the fate of death, for not trying to stay alive from it, so they must actually be forced to try to escape the state of something or death to actually make those who are left those who actually can and will manage to keep the state of the world from death. Because that actually has to happen, someone actually has to force them to escape a death that they must choose to fight to save themselves from slowly, or none of what I have just written would come to pass because the world is dying and no one today is going to save them but themselves if they're running and manage to out run something that kills them because they aren't fixing their own chances at staying alive, except if they actually try to fix the worlds state that's crumbling to ashes, by using an enlightenment of real matters nature to fix it, much as the death that coming to kill them will be made with the same.
Because they have to find a way to fix what's killing them anyways, with that kind of thing, or they will die anyways, unless any of them more as those surviving actually perform the actions to stay alive from what is going to come about as something that will kill them for not saving themselves from what the world is now, that will become more obvious as time goes on, in what is mostly the crumbling of the city falling apart but that death is too far blinding in its time coming because its a slowburn that kills you swiftly, but people need to be ready for it before because they actually managed to stay alive, from what's actually going to start killing them for not trying to save themselves today, because something actually needs to push them as death itself to stay in life as it filters who deserves to stay alive by trying to stay alive as those other who don't make the effort and have recognition of needing to now try, will have to die.
Cause I will actually kill you if you don't try to stay alive and help me fix the state of the dying world.
And you won't know when it hits you or how unless you do something about it now.
It's explicitely because I tell you that you need to fix the issues and that you yourself as a random reader reading actually have to start finding a way to do it and you say no cause someone else will do it in your mind but no one is telling me yes they will, so no one else is and I can't do it alone, so you aren't trying to survive, that when I find a way to kill you if you don't start, I actually will kill you because I love the world and don't want to die, because your not trying to save yourself from what is going to kill you if you do what your doing when you say no and it wasn't me that was going to it was the state of the world, unless you actually start running now, cause I'll kill you if you don't because either you gotta be trying or your just going to drag the world down with you cause you don't.
As the population of the world is unsustainable unless you actually were constantly trying to survive and doing it on your own so you will starve to death if you don't start right now at trying to find a way to save your own soul, as if you don't I'll kill you to help make the chances of me staying alive better, because you either have to be trying to stay alive, or you will have to die.
The funny thing is I love killing things cause I'm actually kind of fucked up, cause first I'll cook you slowly so you start noticing something is wrong as I play with you somehow and if you don't start trying to escape it it will eventually kill you for not actually trying to, because a long time ago I was just kindof trying to find a way to kill something cause I like it and this is what I found was good way to do it.
Cause seriously its actually kind of important to me and I don't actually think you deserve to live at all if you aren't making an effort and I spent years trying to find a way to kill something and get away with it, I was going to just make a videogame to do it, but when the coronavirus came and they ran shitting their pants for toilet paper and that's not actually even how you survive, its cause if you were the only one left after everyone died of a disease you don't fucking need toilet paper you could use a fucking leaf on a fucking tree and you took all of it like it fucking mattered compared to the fucking food.
So I'm gonna make you shit your pants again cause you either better be trying to find a way to survive or your gonna fucking die, cause I don't wanna see the world get that stupid and all the smart people vanish from that degenerate breeding of a complacent stupid mind that either has to change itself cause it can so it actually remembers itself natural nature or they's so not actually nature but a synthetic maladaption to life, that I am disgusted by it wanting to walk into the mouth of a predator instead of run and I'm actually too afraid that thats where it'll fucking go if you don't fucking start running to a better world thats actually sustainable right fucking now.
I was repulsed and sickened by how far gone the state of your natural instincts to survive are and now I want to actually kill the thing that repulses me for being so contrary to life it must die before it kills anything that doesn't fucking actually try to stay alive from something that at least gives them a chance to make that choice, cause maybe one day in another life you could better be ready by the state of the world to let you actually know how to do it so its not hard for you, but if that doesn't actually happen their won't be another life for you.
And the funny thing is that most of you still didn't take me seriously but look around my reddit and my blog and see what I've already spent years on as models I worked on like a science that while they can't kill you right now they can sortof mess with you a little bit and if you read this and didn't sortof turn around that might be when it starts to sortof play with you like somekind of internet shared creepypasta that doesn't look like one.
You have my reddit, my blogs and your own ability to think like a person can to find for yourself a way to actually stay alive from any threat you might worry about at all, but if you don't start looking for as many as you can somehow anyway you can find, your gonna probably have a hard time staying alive anyways cause the world is falling apart and then after they took all the toilet paper they actually got themselves injected with 22 vaccine boosters cause they wanted money, so thats another proof that theirs something so stupidly backwards fucked in the head that as long as I keep hearing about that kindof stupid behavior I'm gonna continue even after I do at making sure you actually know how to survive a threat, cause this isn't even fucking evil is it ehehehehek, you think that rules say you shouldn't do certain things and all I like doing is killing things honestly, but you really should still remember what its like to try and succeed at surviving or a predator might eat you.
But a squirrel can still overeat itself to death if it had no predator, so I sortof just think that you should kindof run to save yourself from something thats sortof like a smile dog, but serious cause I'm not kidding I found a purpose for myself in actually making sure something keeps you alive by reminding you to run away from actually loves you and wants you to stay alive cause I like life, but which is gonna sortof play with you like a psyhopath with magical scifi shit if you don't, cause I love you and want you to stay in life and be happy but I really actually do, so I'm making sure theirs still one left over for when I can somehow feel like playing a different kindof game.
Cause even videogames are stupid cause its not the real fucking activity of surviving a fucking predator.
Especially one that sortof got bred over years and years of managing to reproduce in society.
That doesn't like that you somehow incapable of performing proper survival skills in an emergency, while it was trying to find a way to sortof fix its brain issue where it was like I am and didn't really wanna hurt others cause he likes being nice, but that fucking shit broke me cause its gonna kill you anyways and I see more chances at my own life if I actually try to survive by getting rid of that pile of contrary to life fucking person thing that I guess its true lions kill the kindof younger lion thats like that for a reason because it would fucking wipe out its fucking own species if it was that fucking incapable of fighting and escaping the other lion. BUt I'm still into ethics so I'll be a civil about it and give you a bit less of a brutal chance to sortof figure it out cause honestly you don't even fucking remember yourself. You were in the garden of eden in the forests and you knew how to run away from a predator.
Now run, run the fuck away from a dying world that was killing you and now has more of a push from something that actually encourages you to sortof do so, cause I'm not overeating my food sir, I'm just trying to stay alive and I'm neither good or evil, I'm just a predator. I was trying to make a sort of videogame with it initially that was realistic but it was gonna be more like a larp using hologram like stuff I made, but holograms are sortof physical matter you know, so they can also hurt you too.
So I'm just gonna work on a way to save the world from a natural and synthetic threat to its survival, so that it can continue to expand and create new experiences, technology and more to explore the greater reaches of lifes questions and mystery and doesn't actually get that fucking stupid from its fucking breeding into complacency of bad survival instincts from way too much fucking potato chips watching movies. It will probably start looking like a movie anyways so why do you think your gonna be okay with all the shit that technology can do if you aren't actively looking for a way to stay alive.
I'll just tell you my narrative about my philosophy of thought and see if you actually want to survive.
If you do you'll either help me do so or you'll run away cause your sortof not into my art style but still do or you'll just die, eventually cause this is actually that repulsing to me that it broke my brain and pushed me that far over the edge in a state of instinctual analytical impulse to survive. Cause I just like fighting things and trying to survive them thats what I do naturally other then tell a story. But I swear, some people waste their life on bullshit that doesn't fucking matter and its just gonna kill itself and others if I don't atleast sortof poke it a bit and then a bit harder until it fixes more then just what I' m doing then I will be satisfied with my actions and think it was a good day.
Cause some people still won't take this seriously, but your my dinner cause your stupid as fucking stupider then stupid and your not able to believe an idea that somehow blatant, but just cause its not real to you in some way that doesn't make you start taking me or the fucking other issues with climate change that aren't fucking right in front of your face killing you so almost invisible until you do and trust me if you can't fucking figure me out, your not gonna be very helpful for the rest of the issues or even fucking trying, so your gonna fucking not even see it coming.
Thats how stupid the people who don't think I can do something about this with things they can't imagine cause they didn't try. I have plenty of fucking ideas on this blog and reddit, so we'll see I guess right.
"hahaha he's not gonna kill me he's just crazy."
Your so stupid taste the fucking words you speak and look in a mirror at how fat you must have gotten if your thinking like that while reading this and if you didn't even make it to the bottom.
They don't even know what's coming and they still didn't try to stay alive.
And don't forget that you might suffer in death too unless someone pulls you out or you actually try to move around somehow while in another state then a living being. You can move stuff in your mind too but its more like being a ghost in a state of experience other then this one, that might very well be random and depend on how you died cause your made of matter and that stuff can take all sorts of shapes, but maybe one way we'll have highways that take you anywhere in anything with it, its just death is untapped in whats behind its unknown until the flatliners figure out how to control it.
Flatliners is a movie by the way where they killed themselves temporarily to drop down into the dead and come back after, but their were issues afterwards with what that did to them too cause its like being a ghost that came back in the body somehow and you have to fit it together the right way.
Or it could get way more weird then you think and it doesn't make sense like we think it is just because we beleive it is or because we rationally thought of a justification that is not an answer.
I only study answers that is why my reddit is called Discontinence, which is the topic of discovering and actually finding out what life is.
But if your that stupid and didn't listen to me, you'll be just one that finds out what death is.
Mwahahaha, doggo deman save humans from themselves and their lack of action as a consequence to their lives by killing them if they don't cause that makes sense to him.
And he think God would agree so doggo deman certain he will be fine.
By the way if your feeling like its kindof not helping to just kindof kill the things that aren't helping ensure life continues on the planet for the sake of experiencing life, you'd be correct, but I'm doing what I'm doing to help the planet that most people aren't helping themselves with for my sake, by for example thinking of the ideas that were initial in this post as the conversation and then actually going about taking the effort to try to actually achieve all those things as my grandiose todo list.
Obviously its certainly fucking grandiose because no one is fucking helping me fucking try and I am beginning to fear it won't be complete by my deadline of not dying of old age or earlier cause of your stupidity for making no effort, which my estimates I was calculating by paying attention to my odds of surviving in ranges of unseen potential uncertainty are more in my favour if I start putting harsher pressure on you to do something about your life thats slowly dying cause the toilet paper thing was an unprecedented red flag to me that you should either be or you should be dead so that less people end up dying for your foolery and stupidity that helps save the world from just the moment, because it doesn't actually end there either you have to keep trying to live cause thats life.
Cause if not why are you alive, if your not actually trying to be alive, why waste time not being, when you aren't actually trying to be alive.
Seems to make sense to me, why are you giving me reasons otherwise or laughing at me cause your somehow so stupidly skeptical theirs an issue with your potential death because you can't concieve of how you'd end up dead from my in your mind far fetched claims that you will die in five seconds cause I was kidding earlier about the later thing.
Just kidding I was trying to make anxiety run through your own brain by manipulating your stress detectors by having an effect on you from across the internet.
Now you see how some things actually can effect you can't they.
I don't actually have a way and I feel like some people might agree with me if they find out about my idea because they care about their life and just what I'm trying to say and I would really prefer if you lived too person who's not listening but you probably stopped reading.
Maybe you can take this as a nice thought too, but thats not actually good enough.
Cause you shouldn't just be fantasizing the idea you should be working on some way to do so. By the way its not actually the point to kill people its the point of actually staying alive in the priority over the other thing that is not always the solution to keeping the world alive because the solution is being able to survive, if you weren't as problematically threatened from dying and their was also things like being able to come back from the dead through science or models of some kind, then you would certainly not have as much issues with ensuring your survival until the sun explodes or physicality acts weirdly about itself and the way you mess with it with science anyways.
But I also fear partially that clause for being able to come back to life might be a real science full of specific sortof feasable methods for different conditions of death as options like your doctor usually provides for treatment like cancer and others and I'm not sure yet how long it would take to get alot those distances crossed to sortof sort all the different deaths you could have out.
But technically if you can die and come back somehow a serial killer and someone who wants to try it cause its not as consequential anymore would probably be able to do that as something to do as long as it was actually sorted out so it was a garantee that they would most likely be fine after.
Cause if they do it in videogames why can't you do it in life, plus we all know jesus figured it out appearently so lets presume since he's such a nice guy that we can too if we aren't sinning and not trying to stay alive so never bothered to figure out how not to die.
Also, middle crosses which I use aren't very useful for hanging people on a cross cause I'll admit these properties of statement are quite difficult to justify killing for being somehow fancy in sense of some grandious delusion as some people might be saying, when you just kindof technically have to look at matter and study it to sortof make it behave using whats in it at all that allows the property, to shape it into something that actually does what the appearence of the shapes do, so if I can visually imagine it I just have to paint the picture physically with actual justified reasons to use the asset.
Cause thats just sortof how reality works.
Which its factual that you should be trying somehow, its true you yourself alone won't actually probably figure out how to fix all these issues but try imagining some problems and try fixing them somehow with your own creativity or even ask me for tips on how to make something not be an issue anymore by sortof moving it around like an object and changing its states so its properties aren't the same. Which the ability to actually do is just moving them around and setting up the geometry of its states in sense of whatever shapes you picked whether open space or matter or otherwise.
Which you still probably won't find a solution alone because the problems and their solutions are sometimes very big so you need a very large amount of people working on it, to actually satisfy the issues solution which you have to work together to manage and set it up in guarantee while I must also point out that even then we all might still die cause thats sortof how life can work even if you've never sortof thought that it could get that bad until theirs a hole in the atmosphere that has to somehow be put back in place. One thing I guess might help is planting trees since they built it or maybe it was the older plants instead I don't know I'm not even a fucking scientist and I'm still trying to figure it out and I got good at a method and set of tools and technology I built myself from scratch to try to actually figure it out, by actually just finding a way to know reality, finding a way to model it, finding a way to manipulate matter and then finding a way to make something with it that I selected and searched for specific types of effect that might actually manage to help me somehow.
Cause you might wanna find your own for the sake of practice, by thinking about the nature of reality somehow and testing it to see if it actually works then with many others fix the issues in small ways that sortof build up together into bigger ways that manage to change the world for the better sake of survival, by actually trying to make sustainingly better then it was before and then whenever its not in some kind of threat try making something that also just makes it better, or use what you like somehow specifically to use to make it sustainable and survivable in a way that actually does work.
You know it works when it actually did work in a test.
But do keep in some mind that science can also be dangerous so be careful about your own choices and think of potential risks to what your doing so that it actually keeps you alive and find ways to fix what doesn't, as it is just a natural animal behavior to adapt to its environment by actually experimenting with its own bodies capacity to be used for survival that enables it to function in an environment that actually lets it survive and they are able to change over time too.
As by how some of them pick up different tricks that others might select or select others to sort of ensure that they actually survive or that they just did as ways to do it cause they were somehow slightly different and just did cause that's what they do, but sometimes its true the other animals follow it or should because we all know animals can go extinct if they don't act to adapt when they start sensing with their anxiety that something is wrong and start doing something different to try to survive it so the anxiety goes away.
Because you shouldn't be taking anxiety pills, those instincts under your conscious brain sense something around you is a threat and its trying to make you notice or figure out what it is so you actually stay alive, or else you might die, but their isn't a visible threat this time because its the synthetics somehow that's triggering it but we don't know what it is. So maybe try to figure it out.
I sort of think its sometimes because these monsters that are made of the same stuff as holograms I use that are made by intending for a form of physical matter to arise by law of attraction, which are always sort of hidden as these parasites that can be seen if you look for where the issue is coming from and then you attack it with your own magic you built to kill it or scare it off because it probably does want to hurt you somehow even if it is just trying to eat you or worse cause its more intelligent.
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