A list of undead zombies and their cures of modern civilasation.

 Unlike what most people think when it comes to zombies, they often think of only those found in fiction which are typically of only one or three kinds and which are not always as seemingly likely. However in actuality their are numerous kinds of zombies if we describe and define a zombie as a characteristic of people to develop an issue that at least debauches and deranges them into something sometimes infectious and always violent towards others in that mindless state. The following list describes many different zombies I have categorized some known some not as well known which can arise from all sorts of issues, some are less dangerous then others and some relate to known things but interpreted as zombies. It will describe them, their causes and the potential solutions.

It should be noted that each of these feature a quality of undead to them also listed.

Mutated rabies flesh eating decay zombie:

Description: The normal rabies virus but if it mutates to more successfully keep the host alive such that the host doesn't die and continues to be able to spread the infection over time, but which slowly decays from starvation and consumption of flesh so begins to rot before dying off anyways.

Cause: Rabies Virus

Undead: Near death brain kept alive.

Cure: Cure for rabies virus, quarantine of infected, either a cure with nanotechnology or letting them die off without spreading the infection.

Subjective perceptual psychosis zombie:

Description: An individual using subjective and not objective philosophy manipulates the inside of their mind to cause hallucinations but damages it simultaneously causing them to enter a permanent psychosis and hallucinating experience that makes them ramble incoherently on the streets and become violent regarding their hallucinations due to that psychosis.

Cause: Psychosis hallucination induced attacking of others due to misidentifying their mind as actual source of reality instead of the objective physical reality outside the mind.

Undead: Damaged brain risking self harm by being blinded to hallucinations.

Cure: Attempting to communicate across the hallucination to the one in psychosis such that they undo what they did and repair their brain damage to return to normal mental state by communicating.

Psychopathic spread sociopathic zombie:

Description: A psychopath abuses another person not a psychopath as a child, so they develop sociopathy, then grow up to abuse their own child in turn spreading the same issue to the next generation.

Cause abuse from a psychopath not behaving for its own self interest.

Undead: Damaged mind risking to cause more death and harm iminent.

Cure: Ending the cycle of abuse for the sociopath while a psychopath learns to find healthier alternative to its lack of emotions causing abuse to the emotional resulting in extreme aggression as sociopathy, that can then spread the same issue to itself.

Divide tension break to war zombie:

Description: A tension and divide between individual groups breaks into actual war where either party intends to kill off the opponent causing them to self destruct opposite sides.

Cause: Rising tension between both groups.

Undead: Undying hatred for opposite groups of indidivual.

Cure: Avoiding tension rising between two groups, or resolution at end of conflict with one side.

Alzheimer Dementia aging zombie:

Description: In old age people can develop things like alzhiemers and dementia which causes their minds to deuterate into dysfunctional behavior that can become violent or distressed due to the damage.

Cause: Bodies old age not actually being able to support the length of time alive for never having done so naturally before.

Undead: Approaching actual death, half alive and slowly dying.

Cure: Adaption to old age, Cure for old age brain issues, Allowing the individual proper care to keep them safe and safe from others until they pass.

*It should be noted that in this case the individual might be slowly transitioning into their next life which is why they relive past childhood while in this state at old age, because they are between this life and their next that is similar somehow and slowly return to being a baby in the other life as they die here.

Maladapted self extinction acting zombie:

Description: The individual or individuals are not behaving in proper survival instincts and often from too much success in an environment begin to deteriorate and loose their survival instincts naturally until they destabilize their environment and die off from forgetting their natural impulses to survive so end up going extinct. 

Cause: Loss of touch with reality by lack of real threat imminent but real threat at indefinite time after lack of threat ceases by other natural causes.

Undead: Approaching actual death in a deranged state.

Cure: Ensuring to use and practice instinctual survival behaviors and continue the effort to survive long after its actually necessary to ensure someone continues to persist.

*(See mouse utopia experiement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink , fermi's paradox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox . Further the fall of roman civilization and paradigm shift cyclicality is an example of one occasion of this occurring in human history, another is occurring today but in less risk then the first, for similar but different reasons.)

Vaccine mandate kill ids for the ego's power zombie:

Description: Those in power hoping to keep their power develop a drug to ensure that their egos are ever influencing the public by ensuring the people kill their ego's so none other occur and that the people only have ids that follow society, while those in power act as the peoples egos that cause those in power to loose their own ids from over use of their egos for the fact the people lack identity, then these two parties have off balanced brains which cause them to slowly decay into either mindlessly narcisstic behavior or mindlessly selfless behaviors such as becoming intoxicating drunk with power and risking their own survival or loosing a sense of gender role distinction between their lack of identity and what their ids alone tell them, so begin to remove their organs and not repopulate. This inevitably weakens their behavioral genepool and makes them go extinct.

Cause: The removal of either their id or ego in either position of power or people below.

Undead: Part of their minds removed and off balanced they actually shamble about.

Cure: A portion of the public never actually takes this effort seriously and deviates off it by following their survival instincts and natural body states that causes them to be better adapted from not lacking identity or social requirements whatsoever so have more individual diversity that overpowers the opposition that lost either its id or ego, so all became psychological identical lacking any diversity. That lack of diversity made them less adaptable by lacking anything more then what the ego commanded.

*They may attempt to use vaccines to force others to loose their egos by damaging it or use nanotechnology. However the person can reconstruct it from habitual change that doesn't starve the area internally.

Virus bacterial illness spread contact disease zombie:

Description: Just the idea that a disease can spread across a population naturally by actual contact between them causing others to become infected until either dying or surviving.

Cause: Bacteria or Infection.

Undead: The disease is a sign of potential death causing them to be closer to death.

Cure: Natural or synthetic immunity to the illness, but at least one that does not risk encouraging the natural immune system to not do so naturally by causing it to adapt to something else so loose a portion of its benefits for surviving because it didn't gain a benefit by loosing one of its advantages in turn.*

* A similar infection is one using parasites such as worms or insects which effect the host somehow and are spread, but it should be noted that bacteria, viruses, tapeworms and other are all actually a type of parasite that effects the body, which cures for parasites might very well benefit the body.

Regressional masterbation carnal animal zombie:

Description: Over masturbation's of oneself in ranges of constant primitive instinct may cause the individual to regress to purely instinctual behavior that can be misguided in sense of more advanced behaviors of the mind less naturally basic, which they over consumed in their masturbating's such that they lost their higher states of behavior for overusing their primitive instincts.

Cause: Not using more then what they like in primitive states of mind.

Undead: Their mind has no use of certain higher behaviors and became more malefunctional and more likely to cause death by its imbalance of mental lower and higher behavior, causing semi-life.

Cure: Continuing to use their higher states just as much as their lower to ensure balanced equilibrium between the individuals.

Biohazard swell mindless explode zombie:

Description: An infection that causes the individual to swell like a balloon, walk around mindlessly until bursting and spreading in the area a biohazard infection that spreads the illness.

Cause: Highly rare and unlikely illness of future potentiality. ( Saw in a dream ) Or just environmental issues that haven't been adequately fixed.

Undead: The exposure makes death more imminent to others.

Cure: Quarantining areas with biohazard, never touching the infectious leftovers, finding ways to clean and remove it, potentially cure infected before disfigurement, end by isolation of individuals afflicted.

* This zombie can equally simply be the negative exposure to a dangerous substance causing death or diseases and discomforts, such as cancer by unknown cause in synthetics and effecting natural behaviors, but which are always treated by quarantining the biohazard after finding it and researching to find common trends of doing by those afflicted to know the origination of the exposed causes.

Happy birthday cake tasteful zombie:

Description: Birthday cakes have an alluring influence on others causing them to want to eat them, if this influence of the cake is too hype specific and off-balance in the wrong way by advanced cake production industry it could brain damage the individual while eating it causing their mind to topple into confusing everything with cake and then wanting to eat it and everyone else at the birthday party. Of which everyone who ate the cake was afflicted.

Cause: Very advanced but not actually understood consequences of progressing technology even in areas seemingly not related, that have actual potential consequences by how good one made the technological values of an influence ( Such as consuming ) and how it has consequences on the mind that depend on what the values of the actual thing is and how it topples the mind.

Undead: The ignorance of actual consequences for the innovations being less alive for not considering the nature of real life's consequences.

Cure: Actually studying and knowing the potential consequences of any side effect of advanced technology.

Dazed overexcited mob party mentality zombie:

Description: At a party or any event of music or extreme excitement, the excitement is intoxicating and cause individuals to become disinhibited which can cause them to actually do stupid or violent things due to the euphoria being like a drug in their brain which drugs in turn can equally influence causing them to become enamored with intoxication that can cause problems, violence and more from the over stimuli, which can also effect protesting mobs which like the party act as mindless unguided group followings.

Cause: Its due to the environment being intoxicating to the persons disinhibited actions.

Undead: Causing intoxication often causes an individual to be damaged in mind by the overstimuli.

Cure: Self conscious awareness of what is proper behavior in any condition and reminding yourself while under influence or having a good time, so as to not put yourself at risk of being to self harmful.

Nuclear explosion psychological tragedy die off radiation zombie:

Description: A nuclear bomb dropped on a civilization has a radioactive substance consequence and psychological tragedy consequence which almost immediately effects the effected populace causing them to die off from cancerous and other unhealthy side effects of such disasters.

Cause: Extreme tension of war or deranged members with access to doing it.

Undead: The alteration of psychology is closer to death then being or allowing alive.

Cure: High security of potential sources of these caused and avoidance of being a target to them, by extreme behaviors that cause others to feel overly threatened by the behavior usually approaching their domain with no other option to defend themselves with.

Genocide starve torture kill off zombie:

Description: While the zombie appearance is spread to the affected by the genocide in how it mistreats them the actual infection is in the member that is commiting genocide causing the other targeted individual to begin to represent a metaphorical zombie of the condition, which often gone untreated devolves into treating the issue with war or high degree conflict following surgence of the behavior, but can vary in ways of strategy that have precedence of recurrence in either case.

Cause: Hate of another group or blame for being responsible.

Undead: Victims are approaching death and the perpetrators are encouraging death closely.

Cure: Stopping the genocide, not causing genocide and avoidance of being a target of accusations for justification of genocide.

Monster convert people regression zombie:

Description: An individual uses either their opinion to spread a behavior pattern that is violent and monstrous and unwise for others survival in some way, actual takes a portion of popularity that as a group regresses into a monstrous behavior or is created through the individuals manipulation of advance technology to force the individuals to regress into monstrous state.

Cause: Regression anti-social group madness causing violent behaviors.

Undead: Controlled minds moved to bring death are harmed and equally closer to death but not yet.

Cure: Avoiding being influenced by deranged dangerous behavior or individuals, ensuring they don't effect you with their dangerous alterations of behavior and ensuring that if it becomes extreme to actually end the groups existence so they don't reach a dangerous extreme of influence.

* See 9/11's influence on others causing large numbers of the society to have become hyper triggered and divided by a large psychologically effected tragedy that causes blames and divide from the symbol of having destroyed the worlds world trade centers, causing innumerous consequence on belief.

Enraged ghost haunt raise dead zombie:

Description: A group or individual brings up the dead that were at rest by returning attention to the dead that were not being bothered anymore, once the world sees them again they have created a disrespect to the dead that should have been left in rest, so an eventual reaction in the afflicted populace responds by attacking or destroying something where before no one was as afflicted by the tragedy because it was put to rest and properly remembered, not disrespected and brought back up to haunt again.

Cause: Bringing up the dead when they deserve their peace in resting and memory.

Undead: It involves the death coming closer to being alive again in their pains.

Cure: Putting the dead back to rest so it wakes not to its pains yet again.

*See modern issues with canadian native american schools that abused them as an example of how a people should never be disrespected and then not given proper memory and respect after, that is forced to bring up the dead again and cause churches to burn to the ground for it as an example of what raising the dead does to others as it reminds them of tragedy, which angers them and so causes more tragedy.

Mummified pharao curse zombies:

Description: Egyptian tombs belong to old pharaohs, with every succeeding generation of pharaohs the age was made better then before and replaced with the improved order less problematic then the previous pharaoh for closer reaching their greater ends, unburying the mummified tomb of the pharaoh now diseases brings back the curses and problems that had long been resolved by the impurity of the pasts beliefs not being worth the same sanctity as the after ages that changed direction. This corrupts the ideology of the rulers and the people into less advanced forms of behavior that were not fit for proper age.

Cause: Exposure to old concepts that weren't superior to tomorrow.

Undead: Bringing back to update things that weren't as good and less alive then now are.

Cure: Using the updated firmware not the old version less useful and helpful.

It should be noted a few of those I know about were left secret, for the fact they don't represent modern zombies or aspects that can afflict the present day with these issues.

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