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Firstly below is an experiment with the previous models of Stashell that were made in the last post of its kind, which described a way to use stones as a technology and also TDE aka Teeth Destruction Environments as well as motion effects which all intertwined to form the following with substances. This was just to investigate the kinds of things the models could create because little was done beyond one application and the last model was not used.

This model simply built a way to cause limits to be knocked into other unseen locations using a stone and experimented with two substances selected for either side of the TDE and SADD which it then created three example forms of application without construction using the same models. Since it can actually build special environments with the model similar to what here is done in specific conditions but if used to build actual environments allows more unique versions of the technology which can be used to limit or break limits individually. Each version of the same effect designed is unique for using the same substances but in other scales of matter then the other, while the substances could have also been selected to be different so making more kinds of this effect then those specific here. But its mostly explained above with expectation you understand the prior posts.
However what follows is another topic that is more like the magic of Stashell because it doesn't focus on the matter and the physicality, but rather outwards alterations of other things using something to allow it. Although it is true that the concept using the stone in previous writings is also somewhat like a magic but represents more so a technology based of stones and using them to do things.
The first concept if the Velt Destruction pallet for creating property sensations which causes both a feeling and a property change to the situate of its contextualizer which changes the environments behavior shifting its experience. Which is fully explained in the following image, that enables you to make changes to itself as a concept that enables a feeling property to an area or experience.
The above picture explains this concept fully, physical fullmissing motion aldsents are the object of movement when taken for a still frame, the Dpallet represents a pattern that imbues the area assigned with an odicontele interface pattern adjacent, or also other above types of pattern adjacent from a starting point to another point on an object, to create aldsents of motion physical change in an environment while equally imbuing feelings in the range.
This is the link to the ordicontele interface post:
These patterns effect the range selected such that the range is effected by feelings that are experienced in that range of influence where the motions are also being effected, causing the objects to behave differently. This allows you to manipulate the aldsent environmental behaviors of an area, causing it to have unique behaviors distinct by the patterns assigned alteration based on the above.
It should also be noted that objects and matter behave the same way as these patterns, since from the sharppoint that originates the matter, matter continues into the toothends of an object as one of these aldsent patterns in themselves, with their own feeling and influence on the environmental behaviors of change, while equally associating to the formation of change for an object, since the pattern that is encoded changes the matter associated by effecting this range the same as itself from sharpoint to toothend and creates fluxuations of difference that deforms the matter slightly to another kind distinct.
These pattern encosions and resulting shapes that select a space of affection and feeling motion chain allow you to create transmutations of environment in relation to the meaning based on the ordicontele interface and the feeling motion physicality of the other aspect of the pattern, which the coded result of the two creates a transmutation of feeling and meaning, allow a distinct resulting influence.

The next concept are the psychedelic power forms of stashell that allow you to alter things using ruin influences based of the pretime causality effects, a substance phase property, a meaning form physicality and a specification of kind, which is given a effect typing and allows you to make special powers of alteration which are based of a special kind of magic shape that contains these qualities that can be more or less visible in some cases and alters the directed end of thing as a payment for the result. While these forms have an appearance its not always used but can be a useful distortion of visuals too.
They resemble a sort of psychedelic shape form that simply alters through several degrees of property a specific purposed end and they equally effect anything with that alteration as a potential purpose. Yet they are somewhat complex to make and they can be taken in more then one combined to do even more although that was not discussed. These represent a part presently of the magic of Stashell, much as the other objects using the Velt Dpaller shown previous are also part of that magic, but in another area, since the Dpallet lets you alter specific scenes with motion matter feelings of transmuted cause, while these let you alter something with a power form of ruin influence.
They are described in the above image, which lets you use them to alter something, this alteration forms as a change that occurs afterwards at some point of distinction depending on what its used for, they can be used to alter matter somewhat instantaneously but other things may require waiting some amount of time depending on if you intend to use them to cause an event, at which point they occur at the nearest distinction of change that can allow it to occur.
Further you may have noticed that the substance used wasn't the same as any of those listed in the previous post, because I updated the substance list to contain all possible combinations of the properties. Thus the following image details the list of distinct property arrangements, but I also added an additional set of six properties using a second glyph identical to the first but with other properties, these two glyph types can also be combined to form more dense or just as many properties as new substances totaling a set of substances over the amount science has, although they are individually not very different and can be almost anything with those properties.
However naming them was not done in this image and instead one relies on knowing the properties themselves to visualize what the substance looks like as a basic elemental substance that is its name, especially since these substances are always blended with phase and flame property and end up having some kind of purpose assigned to the, so they are quite broad in every condition of encounter.

The next concept uses an old concept that was written on this blog years ago called puzzle nodes, which have had rare application for anything until now, although they are interesting because they give you a way to turn an object into a pareidolia recognized entity that serves the objects purpose and that's about it, but it has been reused here for another purpose treating as what we call a subsynth, which is a subsynthetic entity of an object that acts as its utility, which we will remove to cause a ghost devolution of the utility into unused and move to another point, which these nodes are unique for having special properties called twice double overheat, but this allows you to remove a function of something from existing or apply it somewhere else after collecting to ends having access to it at another point.
But the original post was here on this blog:
When you remove a subsynth the consequence is that object will no longer be as easy to use for the purpose that was removed, because its no longer inside it and you are far less likely to even use it for that if even correctly, because its no longer in the object, so for example with the glue stick when I tried to open it after removing the subsynth it was harder to open to begin with, then it didn't stick on the paper from my fingers while being easier to take out of the glue stick and instead of letting me stick something onto something all I got was my finger getting something stuck to it. But not very well and I never actually used it to do what you usually do while trying to because I got distracted, since its not letting me and for all I might find out if I force it, the glue won't stick very well to begin with.
As this effect will simply cause you to be unlikely to use the purpose you took out and make it far more difficult to use it for that purpose, because all the other parts beyond the subsynth you removed are still in there it may still work to far less quality, but the subsynth itself that is very case sensitive as well is no longer present, so it makes it harder to use the object for that purpose, which because you also now have it stored somewhere else, you can put it somewhere else, causing something else to gain the properties you took out in the slightest degree worth the amount of that subsynth and have it acting in smething else with similar resulting success with the other thing acting as you added that subsynth to it.
They are taken out with sticky notes that have the node data encoded on them because this assigns what's removed and put in the window on the sticky note, once its in there you can use it at anytime ( much as you could remove it without a sticky note but this is just formality and to help you remember ) however you can also put the subsynth into something else by putting the sticky note onto an object and pressing the sticky note that always sticks out slightly so that it comes in contact with the object.
Then after taking it off and no longer seeing the subsynth in the window, you can get it back by putting it back on and taking it off again. If you run out of stick to your sticky note you can make another one because you just need to copy the encoded data that tells you what's on one, you can also leave room to give it a name to help you remember. These subsynth can let you remove or add themselves to things such that you can remove the negatives of an objects behaviors by removing it so that the object is easier for your issues with it since it can be responsible, while you can also give other objects additional features from other things this way, to allow them to gain slightly additional effects. Or you can just remove a function from an object to ensure its not used.

This is the SeEABAupgrade concept, which can be used either for an object or for clothing for a person, but which considers firstly the idea that all things have a counter to their offense that contradicts it, which more counters makes more power in sense of scale of size worth the counter, this is implemented with the idea that a lack of fear as in the capacity to withstand and intercept the threat so it doesn't effect you is the principle by which the counter is existent.
We use these two concepts of counter and the idea of balance modifiers of motion which effect the motion direction and balance of an object to create a shadow plane eldritch gibberish, which equally uses substances and phases, this image depicts after depiction not before a bunch of potential counters, which one records and then counters until none are left and found in the image, this is how you get the data for a SeEABAupgrade.
Since you then take the list of numerous counters and apply them with modifiers of balance and interaction with a conflict, such that all of the listed counters and countered are countered by the modification upgrades. As a result you gain a large and even potentially progressed farther upgrade of counters to a potential threat that render more success at beating a threat, by actually having a lack of fear in the interception of the threat such that it doesn't effect you.
This enables you to make objects or clothing modifications which either help remove potential threat of the object being damaged or remove you from potentially countered actions by how it counters numerous potential threats and so builds a special kind of armourment that in the above example resembles something sort of like a bird, that in itself has numerous balancing adjustments that ensure that they don't fall over and more.
Which from all the adjustments causes the person to be far more difficult to defeat and each upgrade depends on the shadow plane depicted and the selection of its parts that make it up, which in itself in its large number means that other such forms of protection are the only way to counter the counter if its better then the other but they all have strength and weakness.
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