The fiftality ( and 3723 ) of mind and matter


Your mind is made of meaning, feeling, actions and words, which individually connect to different things you can do in the mind, but some actions connect to the inside mind body which is in the inside mind physicality which is overlayed by the semi mind matter assign which controls which reality you are in, in either mind or matter depending on which is selected, if you connect to worlds in the mind they only exist in the mind, if you connect to realities in matter they exist physically, in either case they created by language assing which either sets in in the mind or matter as either physical differences in the inside the mind physicality or just inside the mind, you can tell the difference because one works perceptually and the other works physically. What you assign in either case is created by the words you state built from meanings behind them, which the words then get assigned to the nature of the in body physicality which changes it by overlaying on top of the in body physicality from the outside mind body, which the assignement add a new layer to the laws of physicality in the body, which is true because meaning has to be transfered across the mind into the physicality through the mind matter assing of language, if you couldn't effect physicality with the mind you could not communicate to other people because its the mind matter assign to the letters based on words in the mind that transfers the meaning without the letters or words being cause, because its actually a transference of the meaning in your mind to the written word all the way to the other mind, so because you can create actual meaninful changes to the physicality in the body by stating words which arise things in the mind matter assign you can cause physical changes shifting your world to other realities where others exist or the laws are different, but you can only access more of that world from entiries in your in body physicality or outside mind physicality which both can receive outsiders coming in and both connect back to your assign, but you actually need to know whats beyond your in body physicality of the world you see here and what is also beyond your outside mind body physicality called the physical actuality beyond the physical mind matter assign created by your language meaning define, to actually manipulate the arised things in the mind matter assign correctly by reconstructing the formation of the things that made the mind matter assign outside your arised assign.

This information dataset is Lemuria's parrelel model of the awareness to the old worlds model of the soul, the old model is incorperated into the new model as the same concept but far far more advanced then before, which the previous model is the underpin of the higher model that took place over the course of the colonization of Lemuria after Prosporo below, they allow similar concepts, one less advanced then the other:

However after I did this model I realized I could make an even more accurate model of Mind, Matter and the Actual reality by doing something unusual with the arrangement that connected it all across, so when I explain this model in more detail later, I will use the following model instead of the above. Yet below I have also described the individual parts of the model as they actually are:

b1: The language seen body underqualia of actual body perception of the internal reality.
b2: The peripheral action organs viewout of seen and unseen body of the internal reality.
b3: The meaning form physicality's actual unseen body inside mind of the internal reality.

p1: The mindaction protophorm outerperipheral shift of physical by external reality.
p2: The feeling motion vision entry in actual body unseen view of external reality.
p3: The awareness outercode description of unseen actual reality of external reality.

q0: The ghoststate fullmissing midst of actual reality and body in the midsternal reality.

Internal reality: The section comprised of body out perception, sub physicality and between both.
External reality: The section comprised of external actual reality, effected by mind, matter, motion.
Midsternal reality: The section comprised of reality absent from observation that connects b and p.

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