The Sencore ( Soul )

The beginnings of a theory on the Sencore

Our reality is built from thoughts and these thoughts are reality in parsense , just like half the ingredients to a meal or the whole meal and the table. Unfortunately some of our ideas are scary and some ingredients are always incomplete or wrong. Anyways, through the Sencore one can explore the world as it is. The Sencore is both physical and Mental and it faces in two directions , front and back, the front perceives the physical and the rear perceives outside aspects of reality, one must remember that the outside is rather misleading at times since their is much to the outside that can be parsense. We see aspects of reality within the linked Sencore and bring parts from outside the box into the box. Still one knows only what they know about reality from the outside, so go outside. Ones mind and thoughts are like a spaceship that drifts through reality , gathering parts that combine into where one has been, this is then brought forth back into this specific part of reality.

The Sencore is the electrical circuit flowing through the physical body , as electricity is the only thing that is both physical and not , that we know of. This means their are things that are alive that we did not priorly consider to be. We know this because electricity is the source of life as it brings motion and perception to essentially anything, bringing it to life. This also means that sunlight is bathing in a sea of souls and when your phone dies , it literally dies. This is rather disturbing to know, but remember that it doesn't have perception or feelings of pain, it is simply alive like a plant.

Your Sencore is capable of perception though and can traverse two planes at once, both of which are in fact the same. This is because the brain is a complex organism whose neural ends reach out of this plane, at least that is the likely explanation for our perceptive abilities , likely they are eye like organs reaching deep into the fabric of reality. Still that is not proven, but following this these ends reach out and a reaction connects it back to this reality, creating a neural connection and vision. This is how the theory is currently and how we have access to the information we have, as we search for more within our minds and its portals to other worlds. Further , when we get creative knowledge for a novel, this is essentially a news broadcast transmitted from across spacetime. This is the link through which we know something about reality, by looking with our minds eye and through being guided their by another.

The sencore is the electric force of the body, which goes to 0 in death , this is the hole in the fabric of reality that links to other realms. Within this electric force is contained information which is memory. Their are two nodes within the body , which are the Sencore , when one dies the + node is free since it no longer has a continuing current with the body and falls into the hole, dragging aspects of the - node with it, The signals prior to death keep one in life by its constant flow. Decomposition is the + node moving away from the body, dragging matter along for the ride and entropy is matter leaving. One day, with further knowledge of this phenomenon one could control this , assuming i'm right. I would also like to point out that the entry point of souls is light from the sun which is certainly interesting, even though the sun is most certainly not god.

This is a visualization of light wich I will call a Pheam, with its negative aspect as a particle , collapsed and smaller and its superpositioned positive aspect as a crescent leaking into higher planes of information.

Still , how does the sencore attach to the body at conception, simple it begins when it is eaten as a fruit or animal, then the energy is transferred to the testicles in men. Not in women since they received their half of the sencore as babies kep in their ovaries. This process however begins when they are absorbed by plants and eaten by any living being. This is obviously due to the natural cycle of life and its energy resources. It requires then that a soul is made of two energy nodes, one from the mother and one from the father. Therefore it is the father that activates by the inception of the other node into the node of the mothers cell, by causing an electrical signal and weak spark between the two nodes. It is then the mothers own energy that continues the process further until birth.

The pheam from which a soul begins is kept in a position of both collapsed and super as it swims along ( alternates between its positive and negative as collapsed ), but the Sencore of a living being requires two pheams to function, made from the information kept on a Pheam, once absorbed by a plant or further a sperm, it has been frozen into one specific side , with either positive or negative being collapsed and the other not. Once an egg conceived, the two nodes meet and magnetically bind, the outcome is the soul, but this is more complicated then this since one should ask how the soul arises from this essential form, the reason is with the entwinement on the following paragraph. You can detect both positive and negative parts in the human body, related to motion and functions as well. One day we could also identify the incoming soul and control who comes in. This opens a possible door since it reveals a possible deeper aspect to electricity.

The superpositioned part of the Sencore changes in accordance with the collapsed point. Choices on P effect the second node by changing the information kept on the upper node. This is done by adding a part to the node and so innovated the sencore. This is much like the brain imprinting information, only it is kept in a cloud , a haze of information with no certainty, this affects the outcome in causam, wich is when the P node begins to break down, when this occurs the node must find a place it can fit and moves towards a space it can fit through, and apparently indicates a third part to this equation. One cannot change the information on the haze but more can be added.

Following from this , the two nodes within and outside the white body produce within their superposition a hyperball, seen here as the green and pink, surrounding the orange converter. The hyperball contains the information belonging to the soul now and in past lives, built from the information contained within its hyperball. It is both solid and contained, as well as being loose and flexible , like a solid air. It is in a state of superposition but collapsed, not both but a different sort of data built from the united nature of two superpositions.

Within the hyper ball , we find the converter that when required converts the hyperball from one kind of matter to another when it enters a new realm of reality. This aspect is natural and due to reactions between the different chemicals of different worlds. If it remains in this world this does not occur, their is always a space within the hyperball on the edge of it for other chemicals to meet with the ones it is made of. The ring of matter outside the hyper ball is what keeps it in place, but it must match the ring. If it does match and is compatible , then it is welcomed into that space, if it is not it is repulsed by the alien matter. This changes the hyperball, damaging it partially and so further disabling its capacity to enter holes where it does not fit. Therefore the hyperball must go somewhere else.

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