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Upon inspecting the models done previously for Heavivon and Stashell, I found that they were very complicated but not very well clear on what the meanings inside their higher connections beyond what had been discussed were and the particles themselves were not fully explained while the whole generally lacked clairity for what would come next with them. So I decided to approach this by slowly connecting these groupins together as they had been planned to make the overall reality more clear.
However, I will firstly before I begin show you a technology belonging to Stashell, while my post on Heavivon after this will also feature one. These will be explained but were made apart from the models we made previously as test objects for either reality as part of what they would look like.
It should also be noted that these world lines will change as time progresses into other forms then what they look like right now because they will transition through the story, keeping what is here and using additional things that rearrange the themes of their realities in other ways as time progresses.
The technology is called a Rin Pyramid, which is a special pyramid using protophorms that creates an anti-chamber spatial protophormal adaption of space causing instinctual change of behaviors based on where the Rin chamber has been placed and on what it stands. It functions according to the model below:
The rin pyramid essentially takes as fuel whatever it is put on and then based on its instruction of purpose either encoded as a pattern on its pointed edge of its square base pyramid or assigned based on a default pattern that is just random, produces an instinct type then three aspects of caution, direction and illumination of an instinct, which creates the reaction as what it does and the fiz of when its triggered. This produces a protophormal spatial distortion that when triggered causes an instinctual influence of the other or of whatever is being influenced such that it experiences this effect as either a coincidence or mental affliction to the range of the description.
This thus lets you use another object as a seed for some utility associated to behavior change based on a trigger and typing that transmutes causality for your end specified or not by the pyramid.
Which while this technology is similar to magic, it uses specialized protophorm constructions which associate to causal changes of property and inner instinctual awareness behaviors, which it changes with protophorms as protoparts of matter arranged to cause the difference as actual physicality.
So while its similar to magic, its not coincidental and immaterial based and rather materially resultant from protophorms becoming active in the space. In fact checking what the protophorm looks like for the specific case of the rin pyramid placement can be done and in this case of the above example it resembles the following:
An upside down pyramid creating the appearance of a face visible in the space as a pattern recognized which terrifies consciously or unconsciously whatever voids the protection barrier.
That is just one example of protophormal physical effects constructible with similar physics to the meanings associated to the rest of Stashell, which can be used in this way.
It should be noted that by now you have likely recognized that Stashell takes on a darker appearance and set of models that seem more scary and more violent, but these concepts within it while partially related to the like are also intended to be useful for more then this, because the timeline uses this as a focus and prefers darker scarier things but isn't actually dysfunctional with it and actually capable of respect and more while being dark and scary none the less.
Next we will further explore the meanings of our previous models found on the right side of this picture, and form some connections between its things that form more unique effects, which we can use in technologies or constructions which others may be shown in this concept. It also features several concepts that these worlds uses distinctly based on their meanings and explore it for a time.
Stashell studied darker physicality and worldviews to manage to produce survival adaptions off things like pain and the meanings they use which as meanings can be arranged into specialized Letter gibberish concepts which a few have been listed below as example concepts that they might manipulate for producing ideas and basic components to their worldview, although more must be done to better construct more original things such as metaphysics and more belonging to the world.
Above simply shows the meanings of Stashell and Heavivon, which stashell are on the right of the other, these just to remind you of this worlds meanings used to create concepts with.
Below are some example concepts using those meanings to create distinct tools for modelling and more. Although these are just some examples of what this world does differently.

These are example arrangements of meaning in this reality which always uses a string of Letters associated with the meaning and its potential application as abbreviated language with one identifier word, these concepts allow all sorts of things which help model aspects of Stashells stuff. The concepts inside the world are typically used for survival however within regards typically to more predatorial behaviors and likeness to scary things and the people there may indulge in more aggression or arguments such as debate with more animalistic tendencies including yelling, but don't outright harm each other without risking the consequence of doing so from others.
They may however fight for fun in a friendly manner or do other things more or less more painfully or sadomasochistically inclined because pain bothers them far less then in Heavivon. They follow a guideline based on respect and the price of actions that are the consequences paid for doing them while typically focusing on more violent and aggressive things then more peaceful or comforting things.
They also use this table of meaning in the bottom right corner, for certain concepts usually reflecting the likes of morality, where those are the concepts they use in interaction to describe what's appropriate versus what the consequences are for certain actions, where people can be friends, use their egos, while respectful but also pleasantly mean potentially while also competitive, yet under rules of order, viewing certain actions as paying the price they reap, in degrees of resulting consequence and where war can be dependably just a competition friendly or one where offense and price has been or must be paid.
Next we shall look at Stashell's concepts of pretime and spacetime to build a model from between either, this will enable a clearer picture of something we can do with spacetime regarding the world. Then we will connect this to its physical components and phase component, which we will also consider the aspects of meaning above to build some kind of additional example technology and upgrade our previous one with newer models.
Except this example represents one example of how we can interact our prior models which while repeating the same connection groupings might arrange them differently across those alleys.
Because this model is somewhat similar to what you would expect but different by the name, the meanings used to describe the spacetime model and pretime are used with the model in such a way that they provide the role for the effect just as much as the name for it. This means they use these effects with those meanings in directed end of purpose.
Lets begin by explaining the pretime then the spacetime mainframe.
Pretime describes the worlds motions as being from a skull in motion which is always towards an end of aggression released into something, by a power escalating across space, which is comprised of a a respected price ego identity in constants of animal instincts.
These form modelled parts which represent the following when modelling a motion:
Animal instinct constant of space: Fear
Ego price respected identity: Escape
Escalation of Power: Exit from space
Released aggression: Ego identity escapes the fear at the exit of space.
These model the actual motion as sets of these values.
It should also be noted that motions in space typically create scratches and sharpenings in space and move more often to the right and upwards in conditions of darkness especially. So things actually move more often to the right and upwards to below's spatial behaviors and equally if dark especially, while causing things to become sharper or end up scratched somehow.
Space on the other hand is comprised of spikes in the lower portion of space skulls move around and collide with bones that rebound, the center of the space is comprised of an average between lower and upper portions that is the passage between upper and lower portions and the upper portion is comprised of curvature that causes things to fall back down to lower space causing a redirection of direction then collisions in space after from bone collision or gravity. Space's motion is made of sharp gliding's across itself in displacement on it which connect the upper, middle and lower space of space and parts of space are organized into fears of spatial content which are represented as areas of fear burning limits of firestone components.
Thus motion can be described by having done the like in the example on the right of the image describing a model of spacetime motion, which organizes itself by dividing the motion collision points into individual periods of time with other meanings that represent what the collision behavior is doing at individual segments of continuous collision points.
Skull in upper portions falls in average by oneness of position entering competition of fall that collides with another skull as a bone which goes from oneness to competition of flight away from the first skull which enters fear redirection to instinct escape from other skull in fear of fall contact escape as fear burning limit of first fear, the second skull that acted as a the bone for the first then enters the second fear of contact escape remain of fear burning limit as it collides with a lower portion of space bone after its competition had become a fear of escape from the first skull and then collided with the spike bone producing an instinct redirection decision climb of the bone spike ending with an aggression leading to the skull resting at the top of the bone spike.
It should also be noted that this model uses the mainframe concept of space which is described below:
The mainframe is the spatial collision frames of all matter in space which is comprised of the following features and equally comprised of shaping points:
The mainframe has four main features:
- Bridgehole: The passing hole or solid that enables travel across space.
- Restingmight: The collision potential area of rest that might displace.
- Crossdrops: The area of potential redirect or continuity of bridgehole space.
- Edgedips: The area of a crossdrop of bridgehole space that causes redirection of skull.
The mainframe is also modelled by the following points on all bone skulls:
- Hardpoints: The solid general point shape of something.
- Lackpoints: The area outside the hardpoint that lacks a solid.
- Risepoints: The area of space that features spikes of rising redirect.
- Edgepoints: The area of space that features spike decent redirects.
- Sidepoints: The area of space that features collision bone points.
- Innerpoints: The area of space inside a range of edge or rise or side points.
The mainframe is also made of the following as objects in the space comprised of above points and features of mainframe.
- Skull: The object in motion or redirect possibility in the context
- Bone: The object either not moving or moveable in context of collision point.
- Tooth: The object point that has the potential to impale another point by sharpness.
- Socket hole: The object point that has the potential to fit into another point passing.
These are to be used with the substance particle and phase which will be described next but these will be described within consideration after, while the actual objects studied will be described in relation to their individual components that create the substances that can have varied degrees of these features, which can then be applied in spacetime to create individual alterations and technologies. Since these objects can create sharpenings or scratches of change by their displacement according to the above effects, which create individual differences of behavior.

The particle is comprised of a sharpoint and a toothend which bind together as the outside points and inside binding point of an object, which have a shadefire of shadow that contains an ambient effect on causality, mind and matter from darkness and emitted as fireash, which comes in four colors with individual properties for each, sharpoints can bond at specific points of softshell impact or empty points where they can fit in the bone sockets, while the ambient fireash can also be applied to the two objects combined where they meet as fireash blended into darkness of synthesis of both fireash but in their physical property which when separated become shreds of individual contents.
The flame property forms from the fireash ambient effect merging in synthesis with the phase typing effect causing a deviation of the property based on its kind of phase, while its phase cones alter the property physically of the phase typing based on the same three cone particles that cause three distinct behavioral differences that can occur in varied numbers of amount plus phase property bases. So a phase effect can occur in multiple ways as separate cone effects blended with them, to produce individual effects of substance phase typing which represent different influences of property.
Their are four phases made from linking the previous set that was made of twelve by grouping together one of each four groups into one type each per four new type groups which made four phases with four attributes of substance that represent ambient and physical object property effects, which are studied by those in Stashell to create different effects based on how they interact with flame property and phase cones that act as individual components of the whole that also has previously mentioned sharpoints and toothends for each phase which comprise different arrangements per phase but is always the sharp point versus the binding constant point and their creation of shadow which contains an ambient effect.
However it should also be noted that Stashell has a few substances that represent deeper destinctions of property which are as the following, which individually act as seperate destinctions after phases that create special plor property which contains a specific set of 6 properties that have different effects, although it should be noted that their are more substance property types then this, the ones listed are those used for now because they are individually basic and equally those I have access to and also that more would only make it more complicated. However they equally have a manner of construction for these substances based on four types of arrangement methodology described after the picture.

Firstly substances are equivalently exchanged in sense of part property value in arrangements of layering, bond, seperation and adjacency which means one can transfer a property of the glyph to another location of arrangement by layering, bonding, seperationally or adjacently arranging, which is how you make specific substances from the basic values of property that are soft and cold for low temperature, sharp and hot for high temperature, soluble for the fact it disappears in scenery, energy for the fact it moves more easily, viscous for the fact its hard to displace in itself and crumble for the fact it crumbles on contact. These 6 properties arrange into diverse plor clusters which shape specific kinds of substance differences that have individual appearances as specialized substances of different kinds of interaction.
Although they equally come as phases of these substances which means they may be arranged as different scopes of behavior depending on which phase is used among the fire, water, earth and air that vary the substance's application of the 6 properties it might have such that the substance and the phase behave distinctly while also always having the three portions of the particle, its darkness and its flame property and phase cone. Which shapes distinct substance interactions of matter that have different roles. These substances and their whole description have distinct usability so allow different things.
Now before we continue with connecting these three topics and equally adding another topic formed from the connection with the other topics that produces an arising new topic to be used for our technology aspect which will be last before thinking on something else that we can model new entirely, we must discuss the world of Stashell's studies, which represent five concepts that follow research in their areas of difference that produce different concepts of tool and also how it effects other things. These basic concepts are equally containing a few shared concepts between Heavivon and Stash that both use. These represent the basic concepts of tool for Stashell.
Self Self | Action psych of object and person.
Other Other | Connection Science of some other thing and its effect on another thing.
Self, Other, Both, Neither | Magic form connection varied ghostgel effects.
Other Minus | Drain negation of a portion to cause something to change.
Collide Mainframe | The collision based edge component of shape collision surfaces
Part Cascade | The cascade of events and changes based on parts in presence.
Setting Disturb | The disturbance of a setting turned into another one.
Environment Behavior Shift | The change of the environment to other things.
Skyech Travel | The transition through the extension space to other planes.
Chancarts | Tools of chance event that arise from materials of potentiality.
Cordience | The technology of transmutation events of operation alteration.
Autonom | The machines of automated removal of rescource and collection.
Servicething | The tool providing services of now and disturbance collision causing.
Shiftstart | The setup initiators of event directive formation by protophormal contact.
Gatherbats | The micro mechanisms of gather changing organization by drain machinery bats.
Cmotes | The micro mechanisms of change by disturbance offsettling of micro dats machinations.
In common with Heavivon they use:
Cause: To cause something with causality changing effects.
Balance: To use or manipulate the nature of balance and motion.
Dat frequents: The capacity for substances to have gravitational ambient alterations.
Power: The force of power in the change of something causing other.
Passion: The details of encosion in meanings of chance causality and value of worth.
Purity: The approximate concentrate of the desired thing worth the higher value of amount.
Taint: The undesired additional extract that is not worth the value of now needed but recycled.
Adapark: The adaption environment objects of action navigation space for explored reality.
Survschool: The conversation education focalization of survival philosophic alchemy.
Acomadate Edifice: The anyspacetime acquisitionalization of chambers setup arisal.
Wander simulation: The simulation of event programming based on causal physical code.
Escalation Surreal: The capacity to escalate the topic into something of vaster surreal.
Survival adaption: The focus of rendering survival based concepts of useful aid.
Dream interface: The capacity to program dreams of event using archetypes, blocks and code.
PPPS interface: The interface of subcomputational coding patterns that enables data products.
Fourscale directiondense: The four directions of dense meaning progressional scales of concept.
Sixscale Operations: The 6 directions of information processing into singularity composites.
Ordiconteleint Outgenprot surface: A connection between spaces interactable at a distance.
These are only for Stashell the ones different as the first in Heavivon will be listed in their posts.
The connection between all present models is the following that enables some kind of interacted effect.
This is a new concept that hasn't been done before by the known world in much respect and represents a different technological capacity somewhere between magic and science that uses the moving object being tossed or displaced to cause an intended meaning from collision displacement and ambient effect, which is used for the meanings of Stashell and also for useful things of everyday life. Its basically attempting to do many things with just throwing a rock which is not the same as using rocks that sit there like science or the self's energy for causes. Instead it uses the throwing of rocks.
But the difference is that this world will also use this with other things, but this is what these physics connected together actually formed in the order and combination we did, which opens up the possibility for its potential technology, for this specific arrangement of physics, which obviously takes far of its inspiration from what it is made out of that makes it as it is and so equally doing what it does to allow by its physics specific types of designed thing, which uses everything in this posts models. Which are used for the previous five kinds of technological component except magic with forms which like heavivons causal magic will be described on another occasion.
Our technology for this portion will use the meanings, the pretime spacetime mainframe and particle of bonds, darkness and phases together to produce a MCBPhASDacTossstone which is the above concept.
The previous concepts are called as basic names the following:
- PTcepaMBRCEhlresiSBTS Bone collision
- SPsbSFbcFpPcPHfwea Property state
- MCBPhASDac Toss stone
The technology built is the following with use of each of these prior models.
This is the technology created for Stashells first model, it is quite simple, representing simply a way to destroy something when nothing is there to destroy, which in itself is just the idea of a pile of rocks and a stone one throws at it in effort to destroy the pile, which can be a game played competitively between people in Stashell. However what is equally interesting about the models for the actual chems ( Where chem represents the substance purposes used ) is that they provide different effects associated with the substance phase, flame property and phase cones that enable the user to gain specific effects that in other uses can be manipulated for other things.
As these models can be reused later for more tools or concepts in Stashell. While this simply represents an example technology that is used there, although simple enough to conceive. It does however represent one of the ways the people here use alternatives to real destructive chaos such as games that feature it to allow themselves the pleasures of what they like without having to distabilize the groups coexistence by actual violence. Which also helps Stashell protect itself because these games or other purposes for their dark inclinations provide practice for use when they need to defend themselves or fight.
Next is another concept in Stashell that isn't related to anything in Heavivon just to provide another small concept to the whole that slowly builds up by these focused experiments with models of either world.

The TDE-SSADChaosStomach is the idea firstly that special lower spatial spikes of matter are called teeth and teeth have various properties of the spatial mainframe, which typically can cause things to rest on them or fall, this in turn allows them to produce somekind of destruction when an object as a skull key is used with the teeth in either placement or drop from, this destruction forms from how the tooth has a property of destruction combined with what is put on it in relation which in that interaction of either displacement or rest creates somekind of destruction, such as placing a ball on a hill makes it roll down so potentially causing destruction from its wake, or how a pedestal has properties of rising attention of worth if used comparitively with heights of pedestal, placing a ball at the top destroys the worth of the other things and anything else. Thus this allows you to create teeth of destruction for things to be put on to cause them to destroy things somehow.
However this was simply the TDE which is teeth destruction environments, the SSAD is the idea that objects when used are noticed and when ideas are finished with or forgotten they have faded into the teeth of their resting place and they are lost to the pile of various things and aren't noticed, later when we pass by and put other things there they may have been displaced or shifted and they may also as groups take on various terrible sights, but these piles of mess end up shifting and changing with time only becoming used again when noticed. This creates a haunting of changes where objects might appear and disapear over time. This is called State self action decay and is the idea of things ceasing to be relevant when not in use.
Combining the TDE and SSAD, into the TDE-SSADChaos Stomach forms the idea that our piles of messy clutter are bound for eventual destruction by their own mess eroding itself overtime, by both the TDE and the SSAD interacting to cause things in the meeting of either to be chewed up and digested into other forms, these new forms are often destroyed versions of what was before, but these new forms are rare materials, because they may be otherwise rather tedious to make or even correctly done without the natural chaos of you finding them and how they mysteriously formed in the pile of clutter. The result is a way to acquire new and unusually rare materials from the fact they form rarely and by inexplicable chaos of your mess that was also partially designed with TDE in mind and applied from SSAD. These new materials allow various things but are hard to come by, because they form by rare occasions of discovery and formation inside the pile of various things you lost interest in.
This is one manner to gain rare capacities from the arbitrary of the Chaos stomach that no other person may easily find the same, so provides a useful tool for both rediscovery of normal objects and discovery of the unusually destroyed pieces of what is left after you no longer needed or wanted or forgot about that thing in the pile of arbitrary mess, that chews itself up like a mouth and stomach of flesh.
It should be noted that using the overall total capacity of this post you can design a sort of chaos stomach based computer like system which represents a type of processing interface for destruction based causality which acts as a functional system for creating chaotic changes of discord between two or more interacting teeth, stones and causal connections.
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