My real name is Logan, I'm at the time of writing 25 years old.
At 16 I wanted to return to the stories I imagined when I was younger because at 13 I lost interest because I became rather edgy and teenaged, but because at 16 I had moved to a new school and had no friends I was bored so I decided to work on somekind of story rather then as before a sortof pretend world. This story was called The fall of Prosporo and was inspired and using aspects from Christianity, Atheism in sense of conflict and was also incorporating aspects of Alice in Wonderland's characters modified as inspired divine beings called persomnia ( Personified dreams ) while also considering aspects of Dante's inferno, pergatorio and paradisio, however these were inspired by without having ever read any of them and beleiving I was an atheist, although I incorperated aspects of christian morality.
The story was initially to be built on minecraft as an adventure map, thus the conflict of the story represented a city that had fallen to a plague due to the opening of the end portal in minecraft, the mobs that were the games enemies were to be converted to rather more terrifying versions of themselves based off mental illnesses of the real world and other things associated with pains. Below is a list of these mobs in relation to how I reinterpreted them as the debauched citizens of this fallen world. Which the character spawned and fell from the sky near a library and was meant to save the world somehow while discovering the city.
The mobs were:
Zombie: The crazed follower self harming.
Spider: The damaged and maimed injured.
Skeleton: The starved and accusing leftover.
Creeper: The damaging silent destroyer of work.
Slenderman: The lonely one in solitude doing anything.
Silverfish: The worm that hides in the broken world.
However, while exploring this city in my head as a game, it had initially been another story about trying to survive a volcano eruption, but after getting a head injurie at 16, it became this story. Which began with me exploring the ruined city. In the city their were two towers that stood on either side of the island that was somewhat sortof like atlantis, but within the context that the flood had not been what you think of as water, but rather an infection from an entity far more invisible in the opening of the portal. The thing I did not notice at the time was that this story bares stricking similarity or even accuracy to the unspecified or even considered actual downfall of the minecraft world Notch made.
Since the world that was made as minecraft is somehow a world where the survival singleplayer game is left to that very demise. Although in my attempt at making that story I made alterations with the two towers that stood there. However the issue became rather confused after starting this story as I incorperated the other ideas from the bible and atheism where I took a portion of either sides of the debate between theism and atheism and used their accused issues with each other combined together as the resulting description of the actual dark force that had afflicted the city and formed a sort of spirituality with the story. As a result I ended up stopping the minecraft adventure map and instead tried writing the story from a book instead.
However by then I had actually crossed the ruined city in the actual adventure that was being played and so when I wrote the beginning of the story my character had crossed into the past before the city was destroyed. Meaning as though I was playing this story while trying to make it, I had moved to another part of the map, which was written here:
I created the following spirits in a book I recieved as a gift from my dads cousin, who gave me a book I could get evernote subscription for a year through but never actually activated it until years later. Although I wrote this story in the account and that is where it remained for a long time. However the spirits were the following in these redrawn depictions of the first pages of that notebook with effort to make each page as accurate to the same as on the notebook.
These represented the things that felled the city but also the things that stood before it and what would end up interacting with me following the writing of these persomnia down.
The boxes black are where extra text was written but didn't have room in the picture, so it is written under the image. However their is also text that was written before each drawing that is recorded before the images as extra pages prior to the entities.
Although a persomnia's effect is infinite, each persomnia rules and owns one world or circle. Some rule over circles together while others rule them alone.
Our records tell of ancient omnipresent beings, people speak of them with hushed tones. We call them persomnia, beings born from common ideals, concepts and beleifs. They come into existence when the things they represent are given names.
These beings have physical form, but only when they wish to interact, talk and use us on a more personal level. Some of them are what we consider good and others represent our concepts of evil, but they are neither. Like the old ones, they feel not equal but superior to us, like we feel towards an insect. Some of them want stomp on us, but others care, they feel as if even the smallest of beings are worth keeping alive.
Every persomnia has a physical body and each is different in appearence. These forms tend to be surreal, disturbing and yet poetically justified.
The circle belonging to Lepoxiania. A place of dreams. Its a place found deep in peoples mind. The circle is different for each person and changes with every visit to its land. It is a place formed from the memories and emotion of a person visiting the serene place. Avondale's days are the dreams a person sleeps through, the world is bizaar, ever changing and beautiful. But Avondales Night are the cracks in sanity, revealing the horrible fears and nightmares beneath. Only the schitz live in the dark place's of Avondale, they are a persons bad dreams, terrors and nightmares. There presence twists the seren world around them, bending it into a corrupted form of itself. Light is the only safety within. The sacred land of avondale, the only static place in this world is the tower, a monolith of unimaginable height, this place links the land of dreams to reality. On its final floor sits the rabbit, the keeper of sanity, pride and dreams.
The hive mind of indulgence
Unlike all other persomnia, Hzulthug does not have a physical form but instead possesses thousands of people at once to use them as bodies so he can indulge in his ever unsatisfied urges.
People possessed by him do not realize it and slowly develop twisted and sadistic forms of pleasure. An example of such a person would be one who cuts himself for emotional distraction of pain but equally for liking pain too much to points of self destruction to ecstatic levels of self debauchery, watching their own blood slowly drip off the pale starved hands.
Over long periods of time, a vessel's body slowly deteriorates and changes, becoming horrific and twisted monstrosity of the people they once were. Still very much sane its only now that a person realizes they are a vessel of Hzulthug. And its at that moment demon leaves there body. But this damage cannot be undone.
Above is an example of the deformities caused by excessive possession.
( Essentially, the overconsumption of things that cause you more harm without recognizing it while doing so is what Hzulthug is, he comes in many forms of possession, but they all self destruct before realizing it later when its too late )
Then the following link tells what happened to me after I had climbed the tower in my own mind which told how the story continued but was never written down. I climbed the tower with another, one was named dan the other verge, they climbed the tower and reached a distant future where their were still problems with a distinct zombie different, they informed me the world I was in was made as a simulation to create worlds within and I began to beleive in God again, but then I jumped into the pit to defeat the problem of this world because I discovered the problem was real and it wasn't a story.
The rabbit of Sanity, Lepoxiania told me to get back to the city of Prosporo.
I had at some point while writing this story confused it for the real world, because I saw how the growing divide between people on the planet was like hzulthugs own infection because they couldn't just create their world they often argued and argued about whether it was true. Further the fallen city of Prosporo had two towers much like this world's own world had two towers that had fallen.
But it was because I found this blog by another in Canada about zombies much like my own ideas had shaped the problem of the world I was in, that also looked like zombies. For that reason I abandoned this story and went and braved the darkness of the void and the pit which this had all sprung from. I went and looked at both the darkness this other man far older then me had seen as the problems of life and I looked in turn a darkness from across time. The blog of this other man that myself only 16 read to much detail at the time of aging between 16 and 18 was the following:
I read almost all of them which had been posted at the time.
I felt frustrated and scared that the world was spinning into a point of self annihalation and I wanted to brave it without knowing a solution to it to overcome the dark with just my gaze and capacity to live on. So I persued exploring stories of darkness that explored to deeper and deeper degrees of the night.
I wrote the following stories stored publically on another one of my blogs:
By the time I wrote the last, I was 18 and at university trying to be an english teacher. But with the final story I lost my mind, because I first became corrupted by it for a moment and would try using only my ego for a week, but then I decided to also use my id, this caused my mind to experience similar to the final story, where the god head rose within me and I suddenly became confused by an idea on the tip of my toungue I couldn't define. I was hospitalized twice and on the second time I read both versions of the emerald tablets, but I did so from an athiestic perspective.
I had then spent a year trying to imagine a better future then the ones I had previously imagined because I suddenly had the spirit to try to change the world, but I did not have the faith that my ideas could do so until I reconstructed the spirits of the prior, except with a difference. I named the idea of madness for the innovation of ideas, the fear to be braved for the solutions and the wisdom of research to find the way as the essential way to that future I imagined symbolized by the past that was worse then the future, but that passed through the present to become the future. I thought the past was nature and the future was mankind in a state of divinity. But I rejected faith because I was athiestic, until in an accidental misthought after I had hung up this picture to represent the meanings I had thought.
Which had imagined a better future where problems of today were solved, the picture represented the full of what for that year I had worked on:
The documents that tell a better summary of the adventure thus far is:
Further you can ask me questions and hear more updates about the other end at this reddit:
The context is still trying to fix the problems listed above but how they evolved years later.
Its equally to build back the fallen city that is crumbling with a renewed state.
But its depth surpasses even my initial expectations because none of what is accessible as the total you can see, is the total knowledge I developped completely offline that ties into the world of Prosporo.
Which is immensely more complex then you think.
Below are some of its basics listed in a book I was going to write but never finished.
It details the basic aspects of the city, that are variously mentioned in the clustering of memes associated with this tendric realm of realities called the cluster herein:
Introduction to Prosporo, surviving and what is herein.
Part 1: The Initiates guides for Prosporo, city of splendour, prosperity, sanity and survival, regarding how those within began their labour there.
Reasons the author has for making this book on dreams, adventure and survival, which was for you
Prosporo as city of splendour, prosperity, sanity and survival, by destruction, repair and creation.
The nature of surviving and threats beyond good and evil, in sense desires self for itself surviving.
The author's character of a dog deman, a species from the dream world that likes survival of being.
The origins of where in a dream, the author began pursuing this idea, in his youth as a first dream.
The basic longstones of worth to reaching ones dreams, that stand at gate of entry to prosporo.
The disease of nightmares that is the plight of others belief as a monster of adapts, a first monster example.
The effort and tools of what is an experience of dream and reaching escalations of the surreal managing.
The concept of levels beginning in ease to difficulty and so greatness of surreal of it as worth by it.
The forwards that can spring from more then one person pursuing dream together, as groups in it.
Part 2: The basic metaphysics of the city of Prosporo
The hwall of wants and the cherry picking of your infinity of desires and what is true.
The wakepool of here and the outside of all complete in dreams airshifts past stonesolid limits.
The corebital persomnia of represented meaning behind causes of change that are its skyech.
Nature unaware as nothing and God aware creator of nature and the tower of avondale of the entirety of meanings matter.
The omnirespecting witches well of cures for self that are its manna of sustenance for living.
The time beacon of all ages and any timezone be, for what then can be and where one may go.
The world gate of parallels of the city, opened to more purposes of being as other cosmology.
The pit of what is gathered in risks survived that is safety in needs defence, as instincts of self.
The games of what is practising or actually surviving as worth to crumblebuilts descent to be better.
Life and its purpose of nature to transcend itself in persisting as itself into surreals of higher adaption.
The outwall of transcendence into the beyond as what is an escalation of paradigm shifts to greater.
Part 3: The basics of experience, tools and dwellers of Prosporo
Focus on the actual nature of prosperity, splendour, survival and sanity.
Survival's language
Survival's ranges
Parsemy cardinals
Actural averence
Subcomp encodes
Story monsters
Philosophy of Discontinence as answer to questions, nature of essence of life for surviving, adapting of.
The narrative one creates in sense of a tale of philosophy and depth for the pleasing of mind.
Part 4: The self, peoples and a way of life's heroes and their elemental class.
The character archetype of what is your skills regarding some dream and ones purpose.
The elemental adaptions of focus, regarding basic words and concepts you find interesting.
The 6 houses of the Decourtic, Percharial, Plamflare, Chrysalis, Tembeyoo and Athagek.
Risks regarding domain classses that follow, regarding safety and consideration.
Introduction to classes and their interactions, regarding what each is for and does.
Chems and the balance powering motions for domain classes, regarding essence and activity.
Pronantic: Protophormal phaseholographic dust parts for medial part affection scapes.
Cordience: Meaningful substances of seperation for transmutations of self and adjacency.
Recyller: Sense or Digestion organ tools and adaptions for measurement and extraction.
Chancart: Simulation spaces of object and events for creating encounters of definitions.
Interconnecting the four class domains into larger utilities that use each together for more.
Possibility of further focus in ranges beyond and specialization, regarding other with parsemy.
Respecting ones own desires of comfort in risks of survival, regarding how heroic with actions.
What to do when you can't achieve defeat of a monster alone or at all, by encouraging aid from others.
Motion network meaning martial arts and defence development of your own practice, for fighting.
Part 5: The higher concepts of surviving strictly, which are in Prosporo.
Dreams as where one thrives and survives and where one risks being able to survive, as what sleep is for.
Adaparks of adaption scenery surviving, surviving games of threat overcome or not in parks of manner.
Survschools of discussion for surviving deeply, in its many rooms of magistrate that are its ways life.
The Accomadate edifice of states of being anywhere needed, in environments and rolls of scenes.
The role of skyechs in relation to corebits and their deformations of what are here to other scene.
Progress of all assets to ranges of surreal splendour, prosperity, survival, and sanity beyond herein.
The persuit to know the purpose of surviving in life and death to what life itself beyond it is our in it purpose.
Part 6: Tips for creating experiences of dreams escalating in desire, beyond and novelty.
The purification of taint into higher concentration of desires surreal.
The recognition of where limits are to better being in transference into surreal.
The recycling of old with new to better states of same goal by asunder in surreal definitions.
The respect to go back to what once was done, to better tomorrow by memory.
Tools for further creating novelty of concepts stagnant by lusions of adjustment.
Tools for creating newly and once never known things defined, newly never before.
Part 7: A directory of monsters, spells, chems, senses and codes for beginnings and example.
Pronantic spells
Cordience substance
Recyller organs
Chancart codes
Monsters of limitations
Glossary of terms
Presently I'm building up a deeper progression of the line as it began at the start of the blog here on this blog, but it will likely carry back through all the blogs, which you can explore in the mean time for more on what happened with the rest of the documents.
Its recommended to just explore the blogs, documents and other with just random page flipping's to different points that contain different ideas, which you can use for yourself or learn something from. You are not required to read all of it, but just venture through its halls of the tower, to different points formed and forming as a sort of portal to another world, but more accurately a multiverse cluster of things that occurred and might yet occur in the halls of avondale.
Its just a multiversal timeline of worlds moving to escalations of surreals and discovery, thats all it is.
However here is more insight especially for what occures on the blog wherever my recent post was made on the reddit relating to the blogs that are numerous and sometimes I jump to another one but usually I leave a message eventually on where I went but sometimes I forget, so the reddit shares where my recent posts are and the subreddit posts shares updates to the concept at another scale range thats not at the same time as the updates on the blogs, which move from the other time period on the blogposts that occures at another point in the cycling of the reddit posts in its separate cycle that the two are like a clock with unspecified hours but always whatever is recalled from before in the cycle and thought as improvement to the prior after it in varied orders of creativity old and new scrambling in all sorts of direction sometimes going back and forth between old and new concepts and different distances from beginning to new states of mind while equally chasing futures as goals to reach closer to them through some path between that is variously changed with the mood of the moment and what I'm either working on on a blog post, writing in a notebook or posting on reddit or taking a break in my room or not thinking about it on a walk, that all connect to each other and reemerge at other points at always higher scales of progress and of changed improvements or discoveries or mixing of old with new for more discoveries and improvements, that are always after the recent post on numerous subjects that might not recurre if they were deemed less important to the value presently.
So looking at the subreddit gives you the same realities other timpoint of progress where I'm not at the same time in the whole timeline and doing something else as a sortof half like between my two ends, that live in parrelel worlds of a single sort of frame in my life, that each act as seperate doors to whats taking place across all the times I went in the large progressing and scaling stored data of all my points of storage in my space, which store specific values to specific points.
These points are to keep access to the past tread so that it can be reexplained, although if you ask me by messaging me on reddit on either the SamofEclia account where I'm on my phone or the MazerGrowler account that is on my computer, I will answer either from the reddit posts or the blog post side of the timeline split I built to respond to what the value of your questions answer is and explain more or the same stuff in other ways to help communicate anything you have a question on.
Although depending on where you question is coming from such as on the blogs or the documents I have to be refered to what, then I have to look at it and try to understand it myself and also equally recall which sometimes I don't recall so I have to use the value as I grasp it on the recording, to estimate what I mean, but if I don't know what it means its bad recoding of some missing feature of the symbols or representation that never was explained, but was probably associated with the same basic principles and constants that never changed about the basic philosophy and how I do things that are sometimes subconscious, so the value was not known to me but natural habit that I would have to recognize by your description of what you do not actually understand about whatever your asking about, for me to rebuild an explanation from where its true about what I know about my own thing and what is true about what you know about the same and where you don't in what's written, so allowing the value I can find to explain or the value I can recall or identify in the moment, to actually help you understand.
However their are a few things in my notes that I have not well recorded especially at first for likely expecting I'd recall it or were just never defined just represented as symbols in relation to ideas prior, that mean something related to prior but in relation to what the symbols represented as patterns describing different ideas I developped that meant certain things. Which even if I can't recall them I can use them as I interpret them without knowing them to gain another value or the real value I forgot or you find instead from whatever you interpret from any of my information, to provide yourself with some kind of insight irrelevant of if it matches mine 100%.
Which you would simply gain your own usefulness from by it.
Plus you can ask other commenters or posters on the reddit that think they figured something out about and is typically accepted irrelevant if I see it posted and responded to by me if I notice it was posted but you can also message me to let me know you posted it. This in turn lets you figure out more about it by actually trying to figure it out if you want by exploring it sortof like another world you don't understand, except made by one person and is debatebly actually as complicated as you think.
Alot of the concepts recorded are older models of similar effects or test effects that performed something in relation to the concept that are useful for things but not always as effective as the more recent ones are because the recent ones are successful connections from across a bunch of them found that added up to better success of effect but which the old ideas before are older values that map out the idea direction I went in from each succeeding value which someone else can actually connect another way. Which leads down other doors and paths to other unrelated concepts farther from origin of my tragectory but more inside my own or perhaps from where you trail off mine somewhere inside to other points farther away from that starting point in sense of progress of added ideas or other forms of idea formation that shape entirely distinct paths of possible concept.
But below is more I wrote on my reddit recently that simply shows where my head was at at another timepoint in my timeline cycle that acts like several time periods seperated by different spaces I do things in that have distinct connections to each other and exist as points of timespace action insight that build different connections in all existing connections presently forming in my head in a tragectory of interested in at that very moment, deviating by boredom and need of consideration for any moment and actually leading to seperate chambers of information production where other levels of the whole progress are stored and accessed across each other to reach other points in my multiversal memetic reality of mind memes and connected chambers to access those experiences somehow.
Which is actually periodically producing superior ways to travel to those experiences generated with the meanings I define such that the world travel of the concept improves letting me better travel worlds. Since part of the concept was building a parrelel world to allow me to travel other worlds by first experimenting with another world to access insight on what other worlds are, to allow me ways to better access other worlds and timeperiods of progress in sense of specific memetic progression values. Which each of my periods of each blog on my list above is one time period of the entire timeline that is at a specific distance future and has a past that is somewhat advanced in its initial passage but which I sometimes feel need to return to earlier points to update specific stuff in relation to where I am in recycled loops of reused data to access another point farther in the timeline while keeping it related to itself so its actually the same world not another by how past effects future.
Below is a comment I made about this blog post on my reddit that linked to this blog:
You'll never know what its about its too huge in scale to remember completely.
But what you might find in its tendrics of worlds might be of use to you.
Its a multiverse of ideas I played with oneday and explored others another day.
It progresses like a science does hoewever and what is shared on this reddit is often the other end.
But the above blog post links you to the beginning which tells how it all began on the other end.
Your welcome to explore anything thats available on the blogs, documents and other wise.
It was made using parsemy that allows me to define worlds worth of ideas with its math.
These ideas become various things that pass by as a story that began long ago but continues.
At times I refer back to old ages, but the story is best found by simply watching it pass as it passes.
You can interact with it yourself as it passes, you can comment, act or otherwise with what you find.
Its also real its not false or fictional, but actually comprised of real observations of reality.
Observations are actual measurements of realities nature based of actual observation of the senses.
But it uses many other ideas to manipulate things.
Perhaps one day from what is available it will be clearer through what others find in all of it.
But just try to learn something from what passes by, it cycles back to points of reference to old ideas.
But its progression grows deeper every day.
Or atleast whenever I share more.
If you don't check often you'll come back to it being totally different then when you were there before.
Another version of something I explained above before I explained it here with more progressional detail that is less advanced and informative because the knowledge on the topic has improved or gained more detailing that is then condensed to the value of the recollected essence that serves the value of the closest compressible meaning based on the simplification of the expound:
By the way, what is posted on this reddit are some of my thoughts going into what progresses as posts on the blog that represent later updates to how to use my concepts as they progressed from.connections always explained in the post that were reached by going to the values I reached here and in succession afterwards posting here while working on other stuff I'm posting on the blog unrelated that represent two progressing different lines of progress at seperate scale points in the whole values of what I've amassed that loop here and on the blog as progressing data.
Which sometimes ends up in the other position at always a higher depth of fact and less innacuracy as well as improvement always with the next post on the same topic that repeats itself in cycles on either side of the progress update stream and storing of the value because the least important values my mind deems not as useful are not recalled but stored as recordings or habituations of old ideas most likely recorded somewhere in the past of the whole recorded data or traceable by other points in the whole from starting and end point, to actually keep track of how many data bits I produce and then how many are condensed into improvements in the present moment continuing as future as the higher better value for allowing whatever is carried along between the present later and whatever happened now and before that was kept in memory about any of what was actually used or exprimented with but typically stored within something or in harder and rarest case in asking the question to know how I managed to do something you can define and where answering it leads to allow the same somehow.
An unrelated post I made on my reddit recently that is discussing the idea of other worlds such as science and my own created world called Averence which uses another material based method for modelling the physical reality from the ground up, that has another sortof chemistry and periodic table and standard model, that was previously timewarped to the end of the science material progression line it used rather then as the post explains switching to using my natural worlds beginning line with natural objects used to access my substances apart from those of sciences to allow more knowledge on other areas of matter based on my models in solitude to help progress either within where they both meet in difference and how that helped me make a hypothesis that viruses mutating can be triggered by something new and synthetic, which altering the effect thats causing the mutation would inhibit the value of mutation recurring in the synthetic natural connection.
With early mention of another concept only found in recent posts of the present when this was posted that had discovered a far superior way to travel worlds that will come back once the value of finding my chemicals and their molecules manages to connect the two so I can use mine to help encourage predictability of effect not missing aspects only science knows that were isolated by its research on matter that have unrelated effect, but which mine interacted with so have connection to it in relation to what is connected between mine and theirs like I can do and do do sometimes myself to ensure the prediction and unexpected side effects are correctly estimated.
But it mentions a way using the mainframe to change observations and switch realities. But how is hard to explain for now because I have to build my manner of accessing the materials so I'm not reliant on sciences own materials to allow the reality to be self supported as a secondary island of possible modelling that can further help found and support values of required need for something.
I have another problem before I can build the mainframe capacity to change the observations and switch realities, the materials I'm using are timewarped to the world they came from that is science and not like my own reality that is averence instead.
.while that doesn't technically matter and I vould use the polygon materials that science made at its end, that would cause the world I'm making to be ristricted to one that requires science exist and if anything happens to science I can no longer access the materials because those are the fundamental requirements that it exist to produce the materials I need, so I'm ever trapped in a reliance on that reality to actually satisfy my reality.
The only way to fox that is the restrict myself to nature and use my realities equivalent to the periodic table of the elements and build my equivalents to molecules to construct the equivalents to paper, foil, cellophane and laminent, which would be other entire arrangements of matter I can build using my method on its own to achieve the same things as the other world that is science or the occult world before hardly used anymore in this age.
I actually have two periodic table equivalents but they are only fifty percent recorded as what they would be but are not found in nature because I haven't actually looked for the values in nature and only nature to find them there as seperate substances.
The reason I need to do this is because the values of sciences materials of paper, foil, laminent and cellophane are not actually made and used for my entire built up method and philosophy and were not built and acauired by my direction with application so while they fit the worlds requirements they might contain values unrelated to averence which I'm using that might actually have other values I didn't touch while using what matched enough in that material unrelated which in its actual scientific capacity would provide a value distinct that would change how its used by science and so provide other values of matter unrelated that work better with my averence by their interactions together once both have their basis of materials set up, which treat the origination from nature of the substances distinct to produce the roles of needed function between the two, that forms yet another entire connection for another persons world that isn't the one I'm making.
But only if the value connects across both its basic seperate periodic tables which I have two so two would allow more in the reality of all three but would require twice as many completed while that would only be possible if I focused on one reality specific not a sortof dual reality that is useful for experimenting with other reality geometries that aren't just the reality of one direction but a two direction reality that is fifty percent between two.
This allows the fifty percent of either to interact unlike a science reality that uses one kind of periodic table instead of two but two smaller ones fifty percent complete totalling to the same amount. Of which both and more of the science would make even more aspects of the whole connected reality mine and the reality of science bigger, but at another degree of difference that is more expansive acros the three realities compared to using the end of the science that still can complete with more depth.
Which in using the beginning of the materials from nature with my models apart builds a seperate chemistry and object and everything from what I can use of my already listed substances to do everything I need to do with my own models. The problem is I have to take steps to reach it from somekind of of offshooting base nature from a test model that represented the materials science left around us that were deemed relitively safe and which I could estimate actual connections in either place of nature or the materials I chose to better predict what I'll find if I start with whats in nature to build my world.
As I was able to develope and estimate the value of the model I was making from the values that matched in the values that are like the whole natural reality. This lets me build the actual worlds originating timeline of the world I'm exploring called averence instead of science from where I link with it from any time period across its whole timeline that Ive completed on the test model I can still use for some insight, that attaches to the natural rescources instead and uses its other chemistry and molecule to build up the other worlds other equivalent world of technology from scratch, not the end of another world that applying my world to their end from an unrelated beginning would actually be a far harder task to connect all the points between both progressions to actually build the real connection between in sense of actual explanation how the scoence and averence interact and inter relate.
Which only because of scale can be completed over time by many others to come because some random individual would have to connect every point of the whole theory to the other science or averence with the science or averence to produce models that allow whats between both if they are even bothered to be connected by someone likely unlikely to be me.
But which both realities should be functional as much as what I've managed thus far with four base materials in science related to the real natural world that my reality must then use to get the materials it used back from its worlds own versions hidden in an unrelated method from science that still studies matter but in another method that must further define what its equivalent to a reaction is.
Which it sortof knows how to do but first it has to locate the various chem elements of its periodic tables unrelated and find a way to arrange all the substances into ones that actually figure out how to make the four materials of science I used in my own thing to do my own thing from its equivalent version that follows other laws of physics and capability that isn't time warped to the end of science so not actually as good as my study of matter in the range of what I could do if I wasn't in the future but the past to help build a more advanced future.
Because while I can always use the one science has to reach it like I can at the end of a science, I can also reach it at the beginning if I didn't have science to make a totally unrelated world that uses other laws of physics from its fundamental basis to make two worlds that can if further ventured between make other worlds much as any other beginning or end can, that allows deeper possibility from where these two different realities or anyother connected reality make another link where not the same as other substances either world has on their own beginning and progressing line, but where they meet in what is different about either line to make what only both combined can do that one or the pther cant.
Cause if you can use both worlds you get another world that links between both used together, that fundamentally by the person who does makes either more advanced things after two worlds meet for prefering or liking each other, or where its useful together, to build other capacities that simply add to the whole possibilities of what wisdom.provides.
Because each world has seperate unrelated effects.
For example using the value of my reality I don't seem to get sick as often because I don't expose myself to things as often that viruses and bacteria do because my reality doesn't access them as much so its like they don't exist but protoids do instead, because only in links that don't effect some kind of infection that's effected by the value of the materials used causes them to show up, so if you use aspects that can do different things from different worlds that don't trigger the same infection or even at all from the fact they're different so they effect unrelated and not always parallels matching things, means that you could narrow down specific ways to do anything that actually makes the values of diseases or side effects not be the case, so render a different and safer or desired result.
So perhaps it could locate where things like covid and its mutation is caused by some kindof exposure to synthetics that is causing it to mutate, figure out how to stop it from mutating in its environment again thats synthetically based and remove that mutation causing consequence so it doesn't.
Which you'd need to just know what in the environment of what is synthetic is triggering the virus to mutate specifically.
This is why I shared this to another reddit to get the word out about what a different world does when it interacts with another world unrelated through what isn't the same about either, because my comparison of protoids in my world and viruses in science is not the same thing exposed to by the use of what I manipulate as related matter to my world, that create other resulting consequences.
Because in just comparing those two I realized like anyone could that the two worlds have different triggers for different problems or solutions that other things lack and aren't effected by, so something can be built to allow something to not trigger something undesired while allowing similar results.
But it has to use other parts of matter to find unrelated points that might still cause other problems similar or unrelated based on the exact specification of the philosophy all the way to its own physical natural manipulation past a science.
So it requires that you simply do what I suggested, which is know the trigger to the viruses mutation to stop the virus from.mutating.
Which if you stop the trigger by inhibiting it, it will stop the mutation from being in effect a second time or another time that effects that specific virus from a connection that has to do with why its mutating at its scale and what exactly on my end is causing it to mutate from the change its creating synthetically to the virus itself.
Spelling mistakes are actually not words that mean other things unless they mean something else where they are defined, spelling mistakes look like the closest plausible word that matches the sentence that makes sense to read with whats misspelled when spell corrected. These words are just quickly misspelled while typing every moment and it can waste alot of time to actually correct them, but sometimes this is due to subconscious change of the definition described in relation to how I personally describe it, but the value still means the value it looks most like in relation to the progress while the definition has progressed so the language I use is compressed to storing an old value as a new value with a slightly different lettering path because meaning of information is stored based on the letters and transmitted to the other based off what the assigned letter difference actually translates to by what the value always meant when it looked like the other value that fits the sentence so if its parrelel instead of parralel its because the definition of parralel changed to another version of the same definition with a slight twisted variation that is very closely linked but fits within the context of the value it means in difference of what has changed over the progress of the whole blogs, which the values older represent the initial deviation of the value while old language and any language that is actually the same remains the same, while I also sometimes correct the spelling at various times back to the original word it was when I started not the misspelled version but only when I notice on the occasions I actually do it. Doing so creates a translation because it is the meaning that is spellt in the original language I mean and know not the misspelling that is the original trace value that fits inside the sentence with the misspelling being the deviation I went to that actually fits the context of the sentence, so reading it with the correct spelling translates the value of origin to the resulting descriptions that are tied to the future value of transition past the original value as its deviations, so causes you to be able to connect the two ends correctly.
But only when spellt as it was in the original spelling of origin of meaning.
Which is typically the one you recognize.
Since I also rarely create new words for the sake of the fact that even if I define new concepts I use the sentence of the value connected as the stated type of thing before I use the value of a word that represents a specific commonly reused data type that represents a sometimes temporary sometimes reused constantly value if it sticks around, that any other connected value is never recalled given a new name because much as using all the misspelling to define all the differences of the definitions I mean in variations from the original on the internet or a dictionary to explain what I mean would make it untranslateable by all the words being other words then english, so the information is translated by the equivalency between the meanings across what the meaning is, how its arranged and connected to other meanings that sometimes sit outside the category of usual context so in that new context represent other values of meaning that can be understood by learning the basics hidden through out the sources of information you might find but always in order of earliest to most recent, since on the blogs their are dates to the posts, the documents are stored in order the first has a copy of the blogs, the second is just me writing about different ideas and issues in my life and the last is the story I wrote, while other links through out the blog sometimes link to other documents but these are typically if found put in the next large shared documents that represent the rest on my computer that was not shared earlier except through a documented copy containing pictures and documents extra later.
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