Sunday, October 23, 2016

You cannot disregard parts that cant be known because you just dont know , but good is possible and present and can advance so that leaves two options not three because the first option is the way , while the other is the excuse for the third way that makes it good instead of terribly evil and impossible. Cause one of those three things had to be wrong , and the other two contradicted it. Science and Faith. Since in debate their are two wrongs that actually are one wrong impossible. But its opposite must always be possible and good.

See it always undoes the wrong one.  Which is straight murder compared to murder of the attacker who wants one dead or that free will and determinism means everything has a will like man , when it would be determined but lacking in parts such as a brain made of compounded parts at a greater degree then past parts such as a rock with no perception parts (visible) and so evidently not possible because it's just atomic structure with no higher functions, sometimes I confuse the two sides initially , so let me try again. A part is dictated by what it is, so then it must require both a will determined and a lack of awareness.  Because that is all we know.  But man has an aware from within so man is simply I , wich is a part. So soul... I did not intend to proove the soul. If I did anyways idk , someone might argue back. XD

However since their is no evidence beyond words, it indicates deeper aspects of reality in touch with good and God.

In more simple terms, we are predetermined because everything is made of parts wich interact in reaction to each other and have a natural will due to these interactions, but a rock has no awareness because it lacks parts necessary for awareness such as eyes and feet, but the parts of the brain are the same as a rock since they are made of the same essential substance since they change shape with time and effect which would mean that man should have predetermined will and no awareness  as a stone since both substances are essentially identical. Yet man has an awareness and so must contain a part best described as the soul, however this soul does require other parts to function which are not aware but are united in that fashion until death, where the parts discord ( discord is not necessary , later on that ) into other forms.

 Now their are ways this could effect the soul, the first is that it leaves and goes somewhere else, which could be in itself three places. Another body, a hell, a heaven. Or the soul splits into its parts at decomposition becoming multiple kinds of things which don't necessarily qualify as aware. Yet it could easily be both.

Since all parts exist in presence but can transform and change the soul could be modular just as its body is, With a core aspect that moves between "planes" (Heaven, Earth and Hell.) while its outer aspects are a guide of movement through a cycle which can also end in heaven or oblivion when one wishes assuming proper behavior, each direction the body goes in, in death, is a different path for the soul to take, further the surrounding substance would effect it , but since its earth it would be like earth worlds only different form. Further still their is time which can pull one left or right (aka past future ) but its possible these aspects are orderly and chaotic meaning the soul isn't totally certain where they are going due to nature and the gods and God. All of this being speculative I am just listing thoughts currently unprouvable and it could be more simple, since heaven could be the super hub where it all starts and we descend from there and return if we made it there from the beginning which is not the same as the end btw more on that later, with the two passing side (beginners) by side (returners). The modular nature could in fact be the motion through the world within an absurd story. Yet it can evidently be unfair with terrible lives, often explained with Karma or the devil, but I wonder i theirs another option. Unsure currently.

So one has the free choice to choose the side which symbolically represents its disproof and impossibility(evil) or choose the side which symbolically represents the good and possible(evidence of the soul) in accordance with the math Im trying to demonstrate, but since it is the good side that proves the soul, it must be good like defending oneself from an attacker instead of being an attacker.

These choices would dictate where it is one goes.

Since the good did not want to be attacked at all and wanted the good for all, While the attacker wanted nothing but his death since he could die and believed he was right or thought it was right to do so, what it was irrelevant when the person interested in the good would have helped them anyways. The error being that murder somehow solves the solutions to our problems when we can die and the other side never leaves. Or one could be good and sort out the difference and conflict by contradicting what is the bad end for a better end which in this case would be not attacking at all since both will live to solve their problems.

The error of determinism and free will was that they were describing two separate parts of nature that exist together but that is predetermined dualism (ie, the cut was predetermined when you chose to cause a paper cut)... 

Both are examples of what I mean.

In both cases their is a unification of understanding.

Further since this idea is not a physical or spiritual soul, it should be termed something else, The Ancor. From Anima and Corporal, since it is physical and not. More on that later.

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