Sunday, October 23, 2016

All one must do is not do evil ever again.

For a future where both can live in harmony, it'll hurt but you'll get used to it , unlike hell. Those who chose hell we take pleasure sending to hell. or they send themselves, because that's what they chose. Irrelevant the good who didn't want that disgusting thing became good prooving it was possible, irrelevant of chastity or hedonism. To the degree of evil. Wich was your fault so you will burn , but we make mistakes because we didn't know but we were told , but it only goes so far but you can be forgiven and rehabilitated when you actually try. I am but it's hard , so keep trying. All sins end when you stop and sins always hurt another the rest is practice but it takes nothing more then no. So why even bother with the evil if the end is the greatest of bliss for all except those who cut out their own bliss.

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