If matter is pre determined and so follows a natural blind will , such as a rock falling in reaction to another part also inanimate , why is it that we have awareness, or perhaps it is the parts within modular and outside that interact causing a sense of awareness but still their appears to be an I but is it false , a string of parts in thought wondering if it exists at all. But if there is an I how does it link to determinism. Is it arisen or already present , or is it in the substance of determinism , but simply off at times when reactions in relations don't make it arise. Is the I a compound or a single , its both because that's evident by our awarenesses but how. Change and form are related to its outward manifestations but at its core it changes not since memory changes , the body changes but the I remains unmoving yet moving by extension. But where is this I located , it can't be within or outside the body because in one case it would be observable and in the other uneffecting because they aren't attached , but it can also be between meaning the determined form is its physical nature , but the I pokes out of it. Meaning the body is the souls physical side but the soul doesn't need its modular parts to exist physically at all but requires them to percieve. But is their a natural explanation for this that doesn't require god? It would require parts to extend out of the body seen but unseen , cracks in our field of perception, it would be as if the brain functions at a deep level beyond strings wich we have not understood. Like our brains are a functional and stable wormhole wich talks to other worm holes. Literally and metaphorically. That's strange.
I am a man , not a god , but men can be godlike with their ideas , but they aren't law my word is built from the words of others but I do have ideas.
How does death and evil kill life ? It can't because life alone is nothing but eternal and death is dead so can do nothing , but in the middle it can die but once dead can do nothing so we would not exist because it's dead. But if a god killed his evil side to control it for the good then he would be good , by building a divide compatilizing both through his divinity . But mankind would then have no story , for it would be perfect so he gave them the choice to know evil meaning they started without evil and go on a true journey against it , to kill it in the same way god did. But their is much more to this idea.
Why would God create so many kinds of people , but they have to love to get anywhere, because that's the story XD if you give up before the end then you gave up XD. For now we have to go with the best good option , like written words. And imagination , video games.
In theory it is possible that some things won't have an answer for today, but I haven't found one yet.
What do you do when someone you know fucks you over. Do you teach them a lesson or do you forgive and move on, the first can worsen the problem and the other is kinda unjust to you. In extremes. So judge how far they went and decide what would be too far , but it should be just. Ex , they slept with your girlfriend, you could be like it's okay -.-, or you could beat them up within reason. If you can't do that , then pull something in equivalence or if they still wanna be friends tell them to fuck off , it depends on the circumstances though. Who started it aswell.
If someone breaks your heart though , and never comes back , you can cry , but ask if it was you or them and be honest. Then if it's you improve or find someone that actually loves you , but you shouldn't need them because they might not come back.
We need a better way of meeting people then the Internets current way, a building of love but not prostitution. Rooms with a time limit for wanderer, not for sitter. you leave through a different door as does the sitter. Profiles , not as huge of a selection so good. Main problem is room surfing and letting them know , wich could get you banned. So remember the room number ? Yay arithmetic.
Btw I want to teach how to do this not answer everything because I can't, but I guess I have to proove it first.
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