Thursday, October 27, 2016

Just Don't Use The Bomb

Just Don't Use The Bomb, our differences can be sorted out in other ways, because we will always come back to finish it. People can change their mind. Still they do deserve something for doing it But Not Another Bomb, if they wanted to add a bit then wow, because in a thousand years and today things could be different and way better, because that's how it rolled so far, but I wonder what that means.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Unknown edge.

Oh the absurdity, where man stands in a void , looks around confused and decides to toss darts into nothing , then he goes there and lives there and sees others afar. So he screams for them to come to his land and live among his world , but in loudness of his screams , he could not by absurdity hear the screams of those around him , telling him to do the same. To come to their land like he screamed to them. So the petty nomads would walk across the land , eating their fruits and lived where they liked. be it upon the earth or mind. Most would however not see the whole world , living only in their home, while some would surely brave the edge of unknown. Yet doing such a thing could be a dangerous thing, because no one knows what sits waiting in the dark. It's not for everyone though so feel free to stay home because life is beautiful like that. Yet if one does go out into the unknown, and is careful than one could bring back things, but don't bring back certain things and know what you bring back well before it comes home. 

Ancor of souls.

Re viewing the soul idea , we will see that it is dictated by two opposing views , a free agent and will and a predetermined world, supposed by science. Now it cannot be simply be free will because one can move their hand , this could be an illusion, yet determinism requires parts reacting that somehow lead to an awareness , which seems impossible since a rock does not contain any awareness at all and neither does the brain itself. Unless you place one their yourself. Yet both are formed from the same substance that can be manipulated into various forms. This would mean that we should have a will that is free but no awareness.

This is impossible because we are seemingly aware but also constrained to the parts at hand. Yet still free to choose from those constants that evolve in time. Therefore if we are aware we are required to have a soul or free agent because because matter as we know is now seemingly incapable of it on its own , without the part of mind which allows for it , either essentially rocks in infinite regress or a unseen part , the soul or Ancor.

Our minds are free but cannot not be physical because they need to have connection with the physical, but it is also evidently not in physical reality either. So this Ancor must be in both at once, a bubble within two forms. A bridge between physical (P) and mental (M), completing parts of either kind. Physical reality is what is outside us and see while mental parts are the thoughts and memories we have when we perceive and live in P, However M is all thought patterns across the whole of P.

But this Ancor is complex in itself because it functions by its parts: I, Selection(s), Modules(m) and Essence(e).

The I is likely the most important aspect of the Ancor, since it is the I that is both physical and mental due to the requirement of such a thing within our minds in reference to earlier paragraphs. It is also this aspect that operates choice,

This is done through selection between modules external and the essence beyond, through the comparison of the essential desire and modules manifest in P#M. Meaning if e=m1 then I#s=m1. If e does not = m2 then I#s will not either. Because I#s#m(all) = e. The I selects what it desires from what it is in e. A baby lacks many modules so is ignorant of its own essence until it begins selections through aging and time.

Modules ( m ) are quite simple, relating to what one has in body (necessary) and what it adds or wears through time, they are dictated by the e but also incorporate m into its essence. Modules can be changed and this modifies the essence. Their are many modules in P#M yet not all are as essential, the module chair means nothing but the module: liking chairs may have higher effect on e. This does not mean anything more than the defining of one's person and who they are through e. Each e#I has a different set of m>m , what is more important is m#c or m's total effect and causes. The e may have obtained a liking for the color red (m#e) and so wears red (m), others react to this through their m's since their e is difficult to perceive completely, but can be conceived through its numerous m.

e functions through its appearance in a person or thing, a stone has an e, but no I so they are separate. but since a man contains an I they can modify their e , this is done through imprints upon it , a hole that is filled with the tiniest aspect of every m selected. unified under one singular point, as each large m passes by the e it absorbs an essential portion , forming a tiny real, yet artificial imitation of the larger aspect only held in place by the I. The form of that specific object or in this case person, the difference being that the I keeps its total aspect ( perception, thought) within its e. This is best described through the equation :
e= i+total(m)

e is capable of crossing P through M , meaning e can be contained in both another person through an m or through an m alone such as a book. This is the impressive force of the essence on M#P, meaning once an e impresses on M#P it is difficult to remove, in any case, good examples would be Plato's republic or Newtons law of gravity, both being the essence of Plato and Newton respectively, still since it only manifests physically through an m it must pass through I to become part of the e of another.

In life the E functions through a subtle link between itself and I but interacts through a force by proximity, it will have little effect if it is not close but will if it is. The I is linked with its modules and so the E is subtle and overcome by its larger P#M. But in death the I snaps back to E and detaches from m because m can no longer sustain its functions as a vessel for I#e, but I#e still has minute effect being still physical, this manifests as the Causam for the e#i and the decomposition/ funeral ceremony dictated by the e still present among the people in M#P.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Just Thoughts

If matter is pre determined and so follows a natural blind will , such as a rock falling in reaction to another part also inanimate , why is it that we have awareness, or perhaps it is the parts within modular and outside that interact causing a sense of awareness but still their appears to be an I but is it false , a string of parts in thought wondering if it exists at all. But if there is an I how does it link to determinism. Is it arisen or already present , or is it in the substance of determinism , but simply off at times when reactions in relations don't make it arise. Is the I a compound or a single , its both because that's evident by our awarenesses but how. Change and form are related to its outward manifestations but at its core it changes not since memory changes , the body changes but the I remains unmoving yet moving by extension. But where is this I located , it can't be within or outside the body because in one case it would be observable and in the other uneffecting because they aren't attached , but it can also be between meaning the determined form is its physical nature , but the I pokes out of it. Meaning the body is the souls physical side but the soul doesn't need its modular parts to exist physically at all but requires them to percieve. But is their a natural explanation for this that doesn't require god? It would require parts to extend out of the body seen but unseen , cracks in our field of perception, it would be as if the brain functions at a deep level beyond strings wich we have not understood. Like our brains are a functional and stable wormhole wich talks to other worm holes. Literally and metaphorically. That's strange.

I am a man , not a god , but men can be godlike with their ideas , but they aren't law my word is built from the words of others but I do have ideas.

How does death and evil kill life ? It can't because life alone is nothing but eternal and death is dead so can do nothing , but in the middle it can die but once dead can do nothing so we would not exist because it's dead. But if  a god killed his evil side to control it for the good then he would be good , by building a divide compatilizing both through his divinity . But mankind would then have no story , for it would be perfect so he gave them the choice to know evil meaning they started without evil and go on a true journey against it , to kill it in the same way god did. But their is much more to this idea.

Why would God create so many kinds of people , but they have to love to get anywhere, because that's the story XD if you give up before the end then you gave up XD. For now we have to go with the best good option , like written words. And imagination , video games.

In theory it is possible that some things won't have an answer for today, but I haven't found one yet.

What do you do when someone you know fucks you over. Do you teach them a lesson or do you forgive and move on, the first can worsen the problem and the other is kinda unjust to you. In extremes. So judge how far they went and decide what would be too far , but it should be just. Ex , they slept with your girlfriend, you could be like it's okay -.-, or you could beat them up within reason. If you can't do that , then pull something in equivalence or if they still wanna be friends tell them to fuck off , it depends on the circumstances though. Who started it aswell.

If someone breaks your heart though , and never comes back , you can cry , but ask if it was you or them and be honest. Then if it's you improve or find someone that actually loves you , but you shouldn't need them because they might not come back.

We need a better way of meeting people then the Internets current way, a building of love but not prostitution. Rooms with a time limit for wanderer, not for sitter. you leave through a different door as does the sitter. Profiles , not as huge of a selection so good. Main problem is room surfing and letting them know , wich could get you banned. So remember the room number ? Yay arithmetic.

Btw I want to teach how to do this not answer everything because I can't, but I guess I have to proove it first.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Which is defiance good or evil.

This is Wrong

Evil loses since it ends in one of three ways , either god is evil and we all burn eternally in worse and worse pain but still can defy and be good and go on into a world of united good and evil,

 their is no god and you die rendering nothing and so nothing so one fails to continue, even though unlikely with the soul, rendering oblivions true purpose to be not wasting your life.

 Or God is good and only evil burns, but if this is so he is also evil because he lets sinners burn so still wins while the good remain in a heaven pure and complete without suffering because it is united through walls that can't be broken since he gave us free will so you choose to burn or live in a perfectly united world of good and evil where it actually works together.

Good wins because God is there and will take us there irrelevant, all because he killed his dark side until the good end when it wasn't a problem anymore, if man does it before, he fails automatically in three senses. But god who lets us choose, because he gave us the choice to do one or the other indicates the good. Since the math of this world allows for absolute good or at the least progressive good (which does not necessarily mean changing things absolutely, such as in the case of the more overbearing changes that aren't good. Such as "progressing" back to a monarchy because its natural, even though elections actually protect the monarchies by cutting them short before they get killed, assuming they are of that kind, which is not fair for either party. ) it must be the good world aswell, because in another it would be impossible, but it is not impossible here so it must be true. We will be there quickly in relation to the pasts advances, the good people, irrelevant pass on to the end, but the evil will, if it is evil, burn in hell fire forever for becoming the epitome of foulness and excess in the bad kind.

You cannot disregard parts that cant be known because you just dont know , but good is possible and present and can advance so that leaves two options not three because the first option is the way , while the other is the excuse for the third way that makes it good instead of terribly evil and impossible. Cause one of those three things had to be wrong , and the other two contradicted it. Science and Faith. Since in debate their are two wrongs that actually are one wrong impossible. But its opposite must always be possible and good.

See it always undoes the wrong one.  Which is straight murder compared to murder of the attacker who wants one dead or that free will and determinism means everything has a will like man , when it would be determined but lacking in parts such as a brain made of compounded parts at a greater degree then past parts such as a rock with no perception parts (visible) and so evidently not possible because it's just atomic structure with no higher functions, sometimes I confuse the two sides initially , so let me try again. A part is dictated by what it is, so then it must require both a will determined and a lack of awareness.  Because that is all we know.  But man has an aware from within so man is simply I , wich is a part. So soul... I did not intend to proove the soul. If I did anyways idk , someone might argue back. XD

However since their is no evidence beyond words, it indicates deeper aspects of reality in touch with good and God.

In more simple terms, we are predetermined because everything is made of parts wich interact in reaction to each other and have a natural will due to these interactions, but a rock has no awareness because it lacks parts necessary for awareness such as eyes and feet, but the parts of the brain are the same as a rock since they are made of the same essential substance since they change shape with time and effect which would mean that man should have predetermined will and no awareness  as a stone since both substances are essentially identical. Yet man has an awareness and so must contain a part best described as the soul, however this soul does require other parts to function which are not aware but are united in that fashion until death, where the parts discord ( discord is not necessary , later on that ) into other forms.

 Now their are ways this could effect the soul, the first is that it leaves and goes somewhere else, which could be in itself three places. Another body, a hell, a heaven. Or the soul splits into its parts at decomposition becoming multiple kinds of things which don't necessarily qualify as aware. Yet it could easily be both.

Since all parts exist in presence but can transform and change the soul could be modular just as its body is, With a core aspect that moves between "planes" (Heaven, Earth and Hell.) while its outer aspects are a guide of movement through a cycle which can also end in heaven or oblivion when one wishes assuming proper behavior, each direction the body goes in, in death, is a different path for the soul to take, further the surrounding substance would effect it , but since its earth it would be like earth worlds only different form. Further still their is time which can pull one left or right (aka past future ) but its possible these aspects are orderly and chaotic meaning the soul isn't totally certain where they are going due to nature and the gods and God. All of this being speculative I am just listing thoughts currently unprouvable and it could be more simple, since heaven could be the super hub where it all starts and we descend from there and return if we made it there from the beginning which is not the same as the end btw more on that later, with the two passing side (beginners) by side (returners). The modular nature could in fact be the motion through the world within an absurd story. Yet it can evidently be unfair with terrible lives, often explained with Karma or the devil, but I wonder i theirs another option. Unsure currently.

So one has the free choice to choose the side which symbolically represents its disproof and impossibility(evil) or choose the side which symbolically represents the good and possible(evidence of the soul) in accordance with the math Im trying to demonstrate, but since it is the good side that proves the soul, it must be good like defending oneself from an attacker instead of being an attacker.

These choices would dictate where it is one goes.

Since the good did not want to be attacked at all and wanted the good for all, While the attacker wanted nothing but his death since he could die and believed he was right or thought it was right to do so, what it was irrelevant when the person interested in the good would have helped them anyways. The error being that murder somehow solves the solutions to our problems when we can die and the other side never leaves. Or one could be good and sort out the difference and conflict by contradicting what is the bad end for a better end which in this case would be not attacking at all since both will live to solve their problems.

The error of determinism and free will was that they were describing two separate parts of nature that exist together but that is predetermined dualism (ie, the cut was predetermined when you chose to cause a paper cut)... 

Both are examples of what I mean.

In both cases their is a unification of understanding.

Further since this idea is not a physical or spiritual soul, it should be termed something else, The Ancor. From Anima and Corporal, since it is physical and not. More on that later.

Another thing , since science shows evidence of a natural cycle of organic matter and matter in general , and man is matter and so he is his being , their is a natural cycle to his being wich remains undestroyed even when oblivious, meaning when you die you could very well become a thousand worms but that goes for everyone if everything is destroyed it decomposes and restarts until it is done right , but those who left are taken because some do it right.

Even then , the worst are probably taken to a different place. Because of free will wich is pre-determined by the parts used.

Power is good but it has to be equal or it fails, their is greater power in restraint then in not because of what it brings.

Dont be evil till the day of the thousand year prophecy within the glorious dream, but we do make mistakes, but things must be paid.

We know it's possible so we know who they are so they might not be able to be anymore until then , but I have ideas for help with it too. I intend to be good to all , sacrifices but help and limits and knowledge are key. We don't have to do it and should forgive and help people who want and ask for help, if they don't we should protect others from them, and themselves but their is a limit to how much and what, but stop if you are. Still if they come to kill , they are at fault. As are people who worship men without asking questions, I am not perfection and make mistakes but I can give very good advice and bad so argue with me about my unifications , but we will know when it's best because we will both agree it's the right thing. And something's can't yet be unified or refuse to do so. One is a way of the future, the other one is questionable. But they must be listened too and made best within what can be. Example, murder is wrong , but if your attacked with intent to kill , its definitely more justified because they did wrong. Still keep in mind justice and context , limits and communication.

The past would not have beleived but we have evidence

So save the world with words

We have crisper and this world is where good wins.

Because even the good wants to cure the evil in good , but a wall has to be made so that can even be done. All i takes is the solution to the problem of making a walled sphere where we are truly free , but thats so far we cant destroy ourselves now , we have to find a way for the wall to break without being broken that actually works both ways , but we wont even get the chance if it ends before any time. Because its all their , behind walls. Put their to test our love, our faith in a god so loving he showed us only good before bad but planned for both to be happy because he loves us both but he cant allow the one that ruins it to ruin it before we can like he can , its a story , the story god already finished. We just have to hold back until the end , when it over and we can walk through each other instead of hitting a wall. But we need a wall till then , but i already walk through both theism and atheism , through art , science , fear and belief and the concept i have seems to be universal , but I dont know everything so we have to have faith for as long as possible and it could take aeons , but in a thousand years , we will have virtual reality like a dream and you dont remember the reality we live in but in that world you can always win because you think its real and its what you wanted so you'll be happy. But all we need is controlled bacteria/nanobots and a place for each person. You cant distinguish dream from reality but this world is following this story. Your world needs your favorite parts but whats the point of once when you can do it. Thousands of times or only once. But you just have to wait.

All one must do is not do evil ever again.

For a future where both can live in harmony, it'll hurt but you'll get used to it , unlike hell. Those who chose hell we take pleasure sending to hell. or they send themselves, because that's what they chose. Irrelevant the good who didn't want that disgusting thing became good prooving it was possible, irrelevant of chastity or hedonism. To the degree of evil. Wich was your fault so you will burn , but we make mistakes because we didn't know but we were told , but it only goes so far but you can be forgiven and rehabilitated when you actually try. I am but it's hard , so keep trying. All sins end when you stop and sins always hurt another the rest is practice but it takes nothing more then no. So why even bother with the evil if the end is the greatest of bliss for all except those who cut out their own bliss.

If evil wins no one wins , but if good wins we all win in the end. But the good never ends and shouldn't end today so you wouldnt win if you were evil cause no one would but good still will because it knew all along.

So evil never wins , good does by nature , so the good go to heaven , the evil , well they go to hell. If your evil , your already burning in hell.

In heaven itll be the best it can be but probably the best it could ever , but this isnt heaven so wait and see.

It'll be the best but I'm not done , and don't take that risk because good conquers evil and wrong so it is law. The ultimate of goods is its natural end but for now you have to believe. But this today is not heaven. why make such a sacrifice for a maybe , when you could wait , because it's already better than yesterday. But all would be welcome into heaven unless they turned away , and heaven will make everyone's dreams come true in the most perfect way. But today is not perfection in any way. Today we cannot have excess or foulness for only the goods dream will come true. because we know it's true because it's the right way. But we know some things are not the right way at all today because they aren't right for anyone at all, but the good conquers all when it is proven by math.

You will burn in hell fire forever unless you stop now.

Beleive in god just in case but know it could be oblivion or worse still hell for all including you. But I said no and saved the living so the good god is real.

Just change your mind from evil and you will be saved.

Take one opinion and whats wrong with and what is wrong with the other and what is right put them together know what is wrong and make what is right and you will see that the good god is lord

But listen to another and hear what they say because the first and second time might be wrong but the third is always good and right , the worst wrong the more likely to burn. Because if the good must win , than the good is lord and God , so the sinners abominable shall burn in ever increasing pain , while the innocent shall have life and those who believe eternal life , if they change their mind , except where evil is claimed right since that is wrong absolutely and undoubtedly. When you start here you will see proof of what I say when you go to start here for I have taken beleifs and united them to good.

Canada is my homeland, my name can be found.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The white snake comes to take the red snake away.

Even if I doesn't exist as angels, it exists as gods if it does not exist as such then personified, still it is but words on a paper
With a simple picture