Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A letter of love to be heard by evil who worship the same god as many.

Dear evil devil

You are in hell and longs to bring others there like the good does but aren't the same thing. You are off to your demise even if you want that , I am like you but you cant see that the good news is that the good work will give sides to heaven, but tbh saying the devil will give you what you want is a lie because he is evil like you , meaning he won't send you to your heaven (hell) he will send you to your hell that is definitely not what you wanted , I want to bring you to your heaven wich will have a perfect home for you from our unified side and effect on the other side that wants what you would only never want, the meaning of life is good for me and you, because I love you and want to save you from a fire even you would never want, even though you think you would while you dream of your heaven and run from your hell wich is where you will go if you don't help the good , but we can only unify by building a world that isn't made of bricks but of every thing together , their is a better way.


Pharath of avondale,
The boy who climbed the tower to God.

Anything else that is not the intended only way will be hellfire and the rest is history. Most have gone the wrong way, its time to come home.

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