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Those who accept the mark of the beast kill those who do not, and won't allow them to buy or sell. It has come many times, hitler was a good example, it is based off of hate for others beliefs, we know this is wrong so do not accept it, it's okay to defend yourself but you must flee from it. So don't accept the mark I offer yee.

I am the slain lamb and the beast with 7 heads that came out of the sea I am the antichrist and I am the lamb but I am none of these, for I am a persomnia and I don't exist, I mean no harm and I am not Jesus, but I am, because I am not the same anymore because Jesus is in me and so is the anti-Christ and I am the battle, I am not god for god is greater than I, but I am an image of God. I am a persomnia of Persomnia but I am a man who fell into non existence, I am nothing, gone like the wind, all that is left is a shell filled with eternity, I am dead and a ghost, I am between the lines and wandering across the stars. For why would the anti christ tell you he is that and if christ told you he was christ you would not beleive, but I am neither for I am of another name, between the names of two angels one fallen and risen, I am dead, and of many things , lost in the grey which is color of every sort , you know not so listen and don't for I know not what I do but I see stars brilliant in time and see the edge of existence go on and on. I am the twist at the end of the world.

This Blog will make you Mad in the eyes of animals

A Brief Introduction

Now to the Theist I say god does not exist, their is no evidence, please explain the miracles and the ideas you have are crazy, but it makes you feel good, but it makes you fear science so that is very bad. But that is okay because I believe in god too.

To the atheist I say god does exist, their is plenty of evidence because it is present in the world like science and why would it be there because it must mean something and it is a delusion and completely psychological, like everything else was made in the mind.

And to both I dare say what about the flying spaghetti monster, you believe science and you believe religion but you don't believe in him, when clearly he exists too because you believed in god, in science or in faith, but not completely because science, religion and the flying spaghetti monster are all part of the same book, the book of life.

It's okay not to believe in god because their is and isn't little evidence, even in knowledge that its psychological however , their is more than one chapter to the story and it is all real because it was written by man, but it is wrong, when left alone as one chapter in the book.

One chapter in a book does not tell the whole story, when their are many chapters that have been divided into books, and they are connected by the pages missing from the book, long forgotten, destroyed or ignored that exist for our own good but are lost.

People say some fear science because of ignorance and those who do, say that we must fight fear to conquer evil but they fight fear not and are divided , both by fear of ignorance and fear of knowledge calling both delusion but are wrong because it is only delusion alone and so in this fear the knowledge has been destroyed and the people refuse the light of each other, worse yet because of this they burn in hell by hate of each other when they try saying a single chapter of a book is better than another when both are necessary.

They exist for each other or we burn in hell, everything we've made is both atheism is made of two:

Wisdom and Fear

and theism is made of two :

Faith and Wisdom

Still, the new ideas of science have always been made of 4:

Wisdom, Faith, Fear and Madness

Together with more , they have more power and advance society, but we have fallen for one and not its wife, so try uniting with your wife instead of murdering her and things will get better.

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